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Message #2224 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Sheffield likely to remain a Yankee in 2007
Date:  2/23/06, 4:04pm

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Message #2230 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Anonymous
The Olde English Ds  
Subject:  Re: Sheffield likely to remain a Yankee in 2007
Date:  2/24/06, 10:14am
Wow, that is such good news. The Yankees offense would fall apart without Sheffield. There is no way the Yankees could have afforded to spend money to replace him.

Go Tigers!!!

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Message #2242 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  The Olde English Ds
Subject:  Re: Sheffield likely to remain a Yankee in 2007
Date:  2/25/06, 10:07am
The latest news is that Sheffield isn't a happy camper with the Yankees these days (sound familiar?) because he wasn't given a contract extension for '07. There's rumors going around now that he wants out of the Bronx.

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Message #2243 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Sheffield likely to remain a Yankee in 2007
Date:  2/25/06, 10:09am (Last Edited: 2/25/06, 10:09am)
> The latest news is that Sheffield isn't a happy camper
>with the Yankees these days (sound familiar?) because he
>wasn't given a contract extension for '07. There's rumors
>going around now that he wants out of the Bronx.

I don't think it is this. He went on a tirade about how the press was treating him like a 2-year old because.

Sheffield has some self-control issues. It amazes me that he doesn't just pay himself.

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Message #2246 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  The Olde English Ds
Subject:  Re: Sheffield likely to remain a Yankee in 2007
Date:  2/25/06, 12:45pm
Olde English,

Any news that keeps the Yankees strong is horrible news in my opinion. As many already know on this website, I absolutely HATE them! The word hate might be too nice or too conservative about my feelings towards the Yanks.

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Message #2256 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  drrubb
The Olde English Ds  
Subject:  Re: Sheffield likely to remain a Yankee in 2007
Date:  2/26/06, 9:01am
Dr. Rubb,

My comment was totally tongue-in-cheek. Dry sarcasm does not always come across well when typed. I share your feelings of the Yanks and am part of the fellowship of haters.


Go Tigers!!!

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Message #2257 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  The Olde English Ds
Subject:  Re: Sheffield likely to remain a Yankee in 2007
Date:  2/26/06, 10:11am
Welcome to the club fellow Yankee hater!

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Message #2317 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Anonymous
Subject:  Re: Sheffield likely to remain a Yankee in 2007
Date:  3/1/06, 12:04am
Sheffield will be back and healthy in October for sure and that is all that matters. This is the year of the Yankees. They are due. Hate it or love it, the under dawg will not be on top. I'm tired of these fluke teams beating the Yankees and winning the Series. The Yankees are good for baseball, and baseball would not be baseball with those pinstripes baby!! All you Yankee haters know it. I'm not saying they are my favorite team, but as a fan you have to watch them every chance you get.

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Message #2319 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  attacksquad
Subject:  Re: Sheffield likely to remain a Yankee in 2007
Date:  3/1/06, 5:44am
While I respect your opinion, I don't have to watch them. I flat out hate them. If the Yankees did not monopolize baseball, baseball would be a better place. It's not hard to win championships when you got more than twice as much money or more than everyone else. And these "fluke teams" you say that have beat the Yankees in the playoffs or World Series the past 5 years. How can they be flukes when they have far less of a payroll than the Yanks have? They truly were champions beating the Yankees. Truth is, the Yankees should be considered the flukes with all that money they have & not winning it. The only thing the Yankees & Stienbrenner know how to do is buy championships & they have not even been able to do that in the last 5 seasons. The Yankees in my opinion is what is wrong with baseball. The Yankees would not be the Yankees if they weren't in New York City & didn't have the media's nose up their ass 24/7. Baseball needs more parity & less polarization.

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Message #2321 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  drrubb
The Olde English Ds  
Subject:  Re: Sheffield likely to remain a Yankee in 2007
Date:  3/1/06, 7:50am
Yankees suck!!! Go "fluke" teams.

Go Tigers!!!

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