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Message #2989 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Pete Rose told FHM magazine that he took Amphetamines during spring training in an effort to try to lose some weight
Date:  4/08/06, 09:45am
Recently, an anonomous trainer estimated that 70-80% of players use the "greenies". I'm not sure whether or not they enhance your performance, but isn't this something--like steroids-- where you need a doctor's prescription only?

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Message #2991 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Pete Rose told FHM magazine that he took Amphetamines during spring training in an effort to try to lose some weight
Date:  4/8/06, 2:21pm
Jaydawg, I don't believe you have to have a doctor's perscription to take these things. Amphetamines are sold in drug stores. I know because I even use them from time to time. Ever heard of Stackers? Yellow Jackets? Hydroxicut? All of these at one time or another had ephedra in them. I know that was what the greenies had in them. They are fat burning type pills, diet pills. They increase your metabolism, although artificially, which helps you burn fat when you exercise. They also give you a little energy. They increase your mental awareness. I take one about 2 or 3 days a week sometimes to give me a little energy, or before I exercise(workout). They DO NOT however increase muscle mass, or build muscle, or make you stronger. Personally, if taken conservitively, I don't see anything wrong with taking them. I would never take more than one a day though. One is often enough. It's like a mild form of speed, but you can buy it in stores. They haven't been outlawed yet & I don't know if they ever will be. Also, some of these stimulants just have a lot of caffiene or ginsing in them, without the ephedra that you can also buy in stores.

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