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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Headlines : Reading "Jose Canseco, whose book, 'Juiced', outed steroid users, is out as chairman of Canseco Financial Group, since no athlete wants to do business with him " Thread

Message #3412 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Jose Canseco, whose book, 'Juiced', outed steroid users, is out as chairman of Canseco Financial Group, since no athlete wants to do business with him
Date:  5/08/06, 8:21pm
As weird as it sounds, Jose Canseco's "Juiced" is having the same effect that Jim Bouton's "Ball Four" had on the game. Obviously, baseball has blackballed Canseco, but his book brought the steroid issues front and center. Without his revelations, Barry Bonds would still be hitting 70+ homers and a few others would probably be getting over 80. Curt Schilling, who testified with Jose in front of Congress recently said, "Yeah, Canseco told the truth, but he's still a sleazebag and the dirtiest of them all"....

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