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Message #3423 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Bonds' agent Jeff Borris says, 'I have every reason to believe Barry Bonds will be a professional baseball player in 2007... The rumor is that he would go to the A.L. as a D.H., most likely to the Angels
Date:  5/09/06, 7:38pm
The controversies concerning the steroids epidemic may be getting to Barry, but as we all know, he has a major league ego that could make him stick around for a while and pass Hank Aaron's record by a wide margin. Hypothetically, if this happens I'll still consider Aaron the real home run king. Bud Selig will most likely put an asterisk by Ba-Bo's name if he ever crosses that bridge.

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Message #3428 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Bonds' agent Jeff Borris says, 'I have every reason to believe Barry Bonds will be a professional baseball player in 2007... The rumor is that he would go to the A.L. as a D.H., most likely to the Angels
Date:  5/9/06, 10:35pm
Always weird for me to see Jeff Borrisz' name. He was my teacher for Sports Law at Southwestern, when he was this thirty-something acting like Mr. Bigshot.

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Message #3430 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Bonds' agent Jeff Borris says, 'I have every reason to believe Barry Bonds will be a professional baseball player in 2007... The rumor is that he would go to the A.L. as a D.H., most likely to the Angels
Date:  5/10/06, 5:44am
Bonds going to the AL would be the smartest thing he could do. The downside of that is that San Francisco would then probably dislike Barry for leaving & not breaking the record as a Giant. Secondly, Barry would get the chance to get the boos from all of the American League cities. I'm starting to like Barry's outlaw reputation. He is really in a no win situation with the way he is viewed & the way he will be viewed as a person & a player when he retires. If I'm Barry, I say the hell with what everybody else thinks & go for that record, because he is damned if he does & damned if he doesn't already. Shove that baseball bat up Selig's ass Barry & atleast force him to put that asterik by your name if & when you break the record. I don't particularly like Barry either, but I don't completely hate the guy. I will tell you that I absolutely can not stand Bud Selig. The only thing I hate more in baseball is the Yankees.

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