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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Headlines : Reading "Ozzie Guillen wants to take part in the festivities for the Gay Games and wants to shake hands with its ambassador Billy Bean, one of two former MLB players to come out of the closet " Thread

Message #3816 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Ozzie Guillen wants to take part in the festivities for the Gay Games and wants to shake hands with its ambassador Billy Bean, one of two former MLB players to come out of the closet
Date:  7/08/06, 09:35am (Last Edited: 7/8/06, 10:01am)
From what I've heard, it sounds like Ozzie is taking the sensitivity training seriously and isn't lackadaisacal about it as John Rocker was. I applaud Billy Bean for trying to bring more understanding for the gay rights issue, but I wonder what's going to happen when an active Major League player will come out of the closet. Anybody who's ever been in a boys locker room can attest to the fact that this is one of the most homophobic environments you can be exposed to. So, the first player who comes out of the closet will most likely have a tough road ahead of him. But, I think it would go a lot more smoothly if it's a superstar, rather than a mediocre utility player, which Billy Bean was. It would take pressure away from other players, fans, and the media.

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Message #3844 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Ozzie Guillen wants to take part in the festivities for the Gay Games and wants to shake hands with its ambassador Billy Bean, one of two former MLB players to come out of the closet
Date:  7/15/06, 8:08am
You creating false rumors? I'm culling baseballgeeks for some false rumors, and maybe it is because I have not had my coffee... but where does it say this is Ozzie's idea and that he wants to do this?

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Message #3846 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Ozzie Guillen wants to take part in the festivities for the Gay Games and wants to shake hands with its ambassador Billy Bean, one of two former MLB players to come out of the closet
Date:  7/15/06, 10:26am
According to the Chicago Sun-Times article from this link, Ozzie is hoping to take part in the closing ceremonies for the Gay Games on July 22nd at Wrigley Field. In reference to shaking Billy Bean's hand he says, "If I'm here and I can, I'd be glad to do it." The festivities at Wrigley will take place at 3 p.m., three hours before the Chi-Sox take on the Texas Rangers at Comiskey Park.

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