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Message #40 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Fans of fantasy baseball expanding
Date:  1/27/04, 11:59pm

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Message #41 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Boogaman
Subject:  Re: Fans of fantasy baseball expandin
Date:  1/28/04, 7:44pm
Thanks for that article, Booga... I didn't know the origins of the "Rotisserie" expression.As fantasy owners prepare for another year of fantasy leagues and the wonderful anticipation of spring drafts, consider for a moment how this all began. It started on a flight and then over French food. Dan Okrent was flying to Texas on Nov. 17, 1979, when he scripted the first rules for a statistics-based league. Two weeks later, the New York writer pitched the idea to like-minded friends with whom he lunched monthly at La Rotisserie Francaise, then a Manhattan restaurant.I'm chompin' at the bit to start a fresh season.

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Message #42 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Boogaman
Subject:  Re: Fans of fantasy baseball expandin
Date:  1/30/04, 9:59am
Me to Rob! Me personally, I don't like the idea of owning a player who costs 4 or 5 million dollars, no matter how good he his! That takes up anywhere between 1 8th & 1 10th of your fantasy team's salary! I like having money all season to make a lot of moves. I probably just gave away my stratagy, not that it's a very good stratagy or much of a strategy!

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Message #43 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Boogaman
Subject:  Re: Fans of fantasy baseball expandin
Date:  1/30/04, 3:23pm
Well, Piazza slaughtered me last season... didn't have him, and yet I paid nearly the full $5 million for him.That'll teach me.

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