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Message #4493 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Testing a live call-in show tonight at 11pm PST tonight... click the link to check it out...
Date:  4/26/07, 7:30pm
I'll be available for questions or just to chat... not sure how it will work, but it should be fun...

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Message #4497 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Testing a live call-in show tonight at 11pm PST tonight... click the link to check it out...
Date:  4/27/07, 12:02am
Thanks to Ryan for helping me out with some questions for the podcast... if I was a little more awake, I would have done a bit better. I imagine that this show will be archived shortly...

If you weren't able to hear it live, lemme know what you think... if the sound is good, this might be a great option for us to have our listeners join us.

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Message #4499 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Testing a live call-in show tonight at 11pm PST tonight... click the link to check it out...
Date:  4/27/07, 6:04am
I would have called in Rob, but it was just a bit too late for me. 11pm your time is 1am my time. I thought about trying to stay up & do it but I was dozing off between 11 or 11:30 my time, which would be 9 or 9:30 pacific time.

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