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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Headlines : Reading "From the 'Can of Whoop Ass Opened' File: Rangers beat the hell out of Orioles 30-3 in the first game of a double header " Thread

Message #4843 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Rob Reed  
Subject:  From the 'Can of Whoop Ass Opened' File: Rangers beat the hell out of Orioles 30-3 in the first game of a double header
Date:  8/22/07, 11:34pm
Relief corp for the Orioles yielded TWENTY SEVEN runs. Obviously, this is a modern day record for runs scored...

...and to imagine it was the first game of a double header? Could you imagine wanting to stay after watching 33 runs get scored in the first game?

I think there were some years in the early 90's when the Dodgers didn't score 30 runs in an entire season, let alone one game.

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