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Message #4916 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Huston Street has blown 20 saves for the previous three seasons, the most of any reliever
Date:  3/16/08, 8:52pm
Here's a reason why this guy has been overhyped and not worth taking a chance on for all of the fantasy-goers out there.

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Message #4918 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Re: Huston Street has blown 20 saves for the previous three seasons, the most of any reliever
Date:  3/16/08, 10:17pm
> Here's a reason why this guy has been overhyped and not
>worth taking a chance on for all of the fantasy-goers out

Now you tell me! I just drafted him in my money league for $12.

And, I'm still happy about it.

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Message #4919 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Rob Reed
Subject:  Re: Huston Street has blown 20 saves for the previous three seasons, the most of any reliever
Date:  3/17/08, 7:43pm
OUCH!!!!! I forgot to mention Street's injury troubles earlier. I can vouch for this as a former fantasy owner of his. Add the injury risk to his low save % and the odds are that you won't get the $'s worth. I'd try to trade him for Saito.... Hey, he won a game for me as a "starter" in the playoffs last year.

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