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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Headlines : Reading "Granderson wants to come back " Thread

Message #5029 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Granderson wants to come back
Date:  4/16/08, 1:18pm
The Tigers could sure use him... BUT, he says in one sentence that he is pretty much pain free and then follows it with "I could play with this level of pain."

The point, young Granderson, is to come back when you're feeling NO pain... else you're just gonna come back and promptly go out for an additional few weeks that you wouldn't have missed if you just waited a little longer.

I'm sure Granderson is just as bothered as any baseball fan is at the Tigers start of the season, so I could understand why he wants to go out there and contribute.

Patience, Curtis!

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