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Message #5057 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Co-Chirman Hank Steinbrenner says he wants Joba Chamberlain to start NOW
Date:  4/21/08, 10:44pm
Without consulting with GM Brian Cashman and Joe Girardi first, this is what young Steinbrenner had to say, proving that the acorn doesn't fall too far from the tree:

“I want him as a starter and so does everyone else, including him, and that is what we are working toward and we need him there now,” Steinbrenner said Sunday by telephone. “There is no question about it, you don’t have a guy with a 100-mile-per-hour fastball and keep him as a setup guy. You just don’t do that. You have to be an idiot to do that.”

Like the old man, Hank is trying to undermine the authority of the GM and manager. While I agree that Chamberlain is worthy of being a starter, especially with the struggles of the Yankee SP's, this matter would be better served if it were done behind closed doors. Young Steinbrenner actually backtracked a little later this afternoon by saying how he would like to see Chamberlain start sometime in the future, but the damage has already been done.

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Message #5060 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Co-Chirman Hank Steinbrenner says he wants Joba Chamberlain to start NOW
Date:  4/22/08, 8:00am
The problem is that Joba can't start. He has 2 pitches, he hasn't been stretched out, and without him, who is in the pen that will get the ball to Mariano?

Hank needs to not play GM and let the people who they hired do their jobs.

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Message #5063 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  legalbgl
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Re: Co-Chairman Hank Steinbrenner says he wants Joba Chamberlain to start NOW
Date:  4/22/08, 11:22am
>The problem is that Joba can't start. He has 2 pitches, he
>hasn't been stretched out, and without him, who is in the pen
>that will get the ball to Mariano?
>Hank needs to not play GM and let the people who they hired do
>their jobs.

EXACTLY. Essentially, Hank has put Girardi and Cashman in the position of either looking bad, or spouting off the obvious (as you mentioned, that Joba only has two pitches to work with) and revealing to the media Joba's weakness.

Perfect timing after Joba had a very emotional week himself.

Somehow, I feel that George is the one that wrote down what Hank had to say, and Hank played dutiful soldier.

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Message #5064 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  legalbgl
Subject:  Re: Co-Chirman Hank Steinbrenner says he wants Joba Chamberlain to start NOW
Date:  4/22/08, 12:06pm
>The problem is that Joba can't start. He has 2 pitches, he
>hasn't been stretched out, and without him, who is in the pen
>that will get the ball to Mariano?
>Hank needs to not play GM and let the people who they hired do
>their jobs.

Joba's actually throwing 3 pitches right now; his curve has looked savage so far. His change-up is supposedly lagging, but thats hardly a reason for him not to start.

I am quite sure the issue isnt how to we get to mariano in the 9th, the issue is how do we get to though the 6th with out using 9 pitchers.

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