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Message #5459 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Yankee Stadium lifts ban on sunscreen
Date:  7/22/08, 11:02pm
Gee, I guess sunscreen must have posed some sort of threat on our national security. As an avid Banana Boat user, I can tell you that fans took a hell of a risk sitting in Yankee Stadium not being allowed to put on the lotion. The genius idea of a ban must have come from Steinbrenner or Rudy Giuliani.

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Message #5466 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Yankee Stadium lifts ban on sunscreen
Date:  7/23/08, 7:44pm
Let me say, I am pissed about this. I went to the Yankees-A's game on Saturday July 19th. It was 95 degrees and humid. I sat in the bleachers. Besides smelling like a Yak, I got sunburned through my shirt. And, of course, I had to give up my suntan lotion. Did I mention the game went extra innings? It was only 4 hours and 45 minutes. And they ran out of water.

And now they let people bring in suntan lotion. I love New York.

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Message #5469 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  john.reiss
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Re: Yankee Stadium lifts ban on sunscreen
Date:  7/24/08, 11:05am
>Let me say, I am pissed about this. I went to the Yankees-A's
>game on Saturday July 19th. It was 95 degrees and humid. I sat
>in the bleachers. Besides smelling like a Yak, I got sunburned
>through my shirt. And, of course, I had to give up my suntan
>lotion. Did I mention the game went extra innings? It was only
>4 hours and 45 minutes. And they ran out of water.
>And now they let people bring in suntan lotion. I love New

No intention on being a jerk here, FYI, but when I first heard of this ban, I sort of thought of, say, the ban on bringing in alcohol into the stadium.

In essence, like the boozehounds who booze it up with their own liquor before the game, couldn't the sunscreen be applied beforehand as well?

Then again, this is New York, where most folks are travelling by train, so it might be kind of a pain with the train cars smelling like Oahu, so forget I said anything.

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