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Message #5481 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Will Ohman takes Will Ferrell's Harry Carey imitation one step further by adding proper context
Date:  7/28/08, 12:13pm
Ferrell's imitation always made me laugh, but it never succeeded in making fun of all that was Harry Carey, like mispronounced names, useless facts, and not doing his homework. You know, all those things we loved about Harry.

This is spot on perfect.

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Message #5483 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Rob Reed
Subject:  Re: Will Ohman takes Will Ferrell's Harry Carey imitation one step further by adding proper context
Date:  7/28/08, 8:28pm
Very funny... It would have been perfect if Ohman butchered Omar Infante and Jeff Francoeur's names, as I know the real Harry Carabina (aka Harry Caray) would've done.

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