This is a good article on the deal. From the article: "[T]he Yankees were one of the majors' least efficient defensive teams, ranking 25th out of 30 teams in both raw Defensive Efficiency (.682) and Park Adjusted Defensive Efficiency (2.42 percent below average). According to PADE, that's about 30 runs -- three net wins -- below average, thanks in large part to poor up-the-middle defense by indifferent second baseman Robinson Cano, aging shortstop Derek Jeter (who has always been overrated by the media for his abilities in the field but near the bottom of the pile in any advanced statistical system) and rag-armed center fielder Johnny Damon. Cano and Jeter are still in place, and while Damon may move back to leftfield, the Yanks still need to upgrade in center." |
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