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Message #5662 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Perhaps the beginning of the end of the current way of business in baseball? Yankees sign Teixeira for 8 years, $180 million
Date:  12/23/08, 2:12pm
I'm not a fan of socialism, but I think this offseason should make any of us baseball fans fed up with the way that the Yankees can throw ridiculous amounts of money to get the best players.

Seriously... between Sabathia and Teixeira, the Yankees have probably committed more than the Pirates, Royals, or Nationals are likely to spend in the next 4 years...


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Message #5671 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Rob Reed
Subject:  Re: Perhaps the beginning of the end of the current way of business in baseball? Yankees sign Teixeira for 8 years, $180 million
Date:  12/27/08, 10:10am
The Yanks have always overspent on players and always will. Doesn't mean they automatically get the trophy. So why should anyone be upset about their free spending ways? Gives you more motivation to root against them. Besides, if I were a Pirates (Royals, etc.) fan, I'd be more upset that the Pirates owner pockets all the revenue sharing cash and refuses to make his team competitive.

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Message #5674 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  MunsonMustache
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Re: Perhaps the beginning of the end of the current way of business in baseball? Yankees sign Teixeira for 8 years, $180 million
Date:  12/27/08, 9:52pm
>The Yanks have always overspent on players and always will.
>Doesn't mean they automatically get the trophy. So why should
>anyone be upset about their free spending ways? Gives you
>more motivation to root against them. Besides, if I were a
>Pirates (Royals, etc.) fan, I'd be more upset that the Pirates
>owner pockets all the revenue sharing cash and refuses to make
>his team competitive.

I wouldn't get upset at those KC and Pitt owners. Consider the circumstance... why even bother to participate when you;ll just end up with egg on face, because you'll never have enough to outbid the aggressor.

A salary cap is absolutely necessary, in my humble opinion.

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Message #5676 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Rob Reed
Subject:  Re: Perhaps the beginning of the end of the current way of business in baseball? Yankees sign Teixeira for 8 years, $180 million
Date:  12/28/08, 1:32pm
I'd never expect them to compete w/the Yanks or Red Sox for type A free agents, but how about throwing a little money at a Garland, Bradley or Penny. These guys have problems but would make them more competitive. It's about putting a good product out on the field for the fans to enjoy. And look at the A's. They compete despite being in a small market through smart spending.

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