Do you know how the Bush administration paid writers to promote his idiotic ideas? Wonder if Moreno is doing the same?TJ Simers and Platschke have a hard on against the Dodgers.
Don't believe it.
Why wasn't this article written a longer time ago?
The problem is with player salaries. Platscke and crew should be challenging THIS... not McCourt solely because he needs to make more money to pay for the team.
Baseball is a business because the players get paid huge money... therefore, teams need to make huge money. Doesn't bother me a bit.
And, if I could afford this old man's seats, I'd be more than happy to take em away from him.
As it is, the guy was paying $370 a seat... which is a lot more that your standard ticket. Where was Plashke's article when they increased the price? Should the Dodgers give this guy tickets til death at 1961 prices, else they would seem like money grubbing bastards?
There are reasons to dislike the Dodger front office. This, however, is Nazi-like propaganda from an L.A. Times guy who has had an agenda against the Dodgers for as long as I can remember.