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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Milwaukee Brewers : Reading "Grant Balfour" Thread

Message #17 of 17  *NEW*
To:  All
Robert Jones  
Subject:  Grant Balfour
Date:  5/10/07, 5:14am (Last Edited: 5/10/07, 5:15am)
Does any player in baseball have a funnier name for their position than Brewers prospect Grant Balfour. What could Abbot and Costello have done using that in their routine?

(Bottom of Seventh Inning of 2-2 game, 2 out and runner at 2nd...pitching change situation)

Manager: Hey Ump! I want to make a some changes here.
Ump: Okay, What ya got?
Manager: I am going to Grant Balfour for this batter.
Ump: You want to grant ball four for this batter? You sure?
Manager: Yeah that's what I got
Ump: Okay, Batter go on down to first.
Manager: What did you do that for Blue?
Ump: You said you wanted to grant ball four for that batter!
Manager: Yeah but I didn't want to walk him!!!!

Could you imagine having Grant Balfour and Bob Walk as your relievers?

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