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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Milwaukee Brewers : Reading "brewers info" Thread

Message #14 of 17  *NEW*
To:  everyone
Subject:  brewers info
Date:  5/9/06, 9:43pm
I wrote a HUGE long blog, and it got deleted.

I have one point i care enough to REPOST and here it is (in alot less words). Check out Doug Davis' Splits over the last 3 seasons. Home vs. Road.

I had alot of info to share, but when it gets deleted its enough to tick a guy off. Anyway, start Davis at Home, sit him on the Road. Check the splits for the last years individually and you will see he is amazingly consistant, even though its for no reason.


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Rollin' with the Brew Crew

Message #15 of 17  *NEW*
To:  stabone76
Subject:  Re: brewers info
Date:  5/9/06, 10:59pm
What happened that you lost the message? Might be a good idea to use the text editor on your own computer and save it there first... especially if you are writing large posts.

These web forms are very tempermental. The ESCAPE key, for instance, will WIPE OUT an entire message from within a form like this.

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Message #16 of 17  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Brew Crew Fan  
Subject:  Re: brewers info
Date:  5/10/06, 3:24am
no, im sorry if i made it sound that it was because of this site, it wasnt. It was my own fault. I just typed a HUGE blog and did something else and came back and it was gone. My fault, but still enough to tick a guy off who puts time into it and screws himself up.


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