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Message #141 of 405  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  MonkMojo’s Beat the Geeks Odyssey
Date:  3/18/06, 2:44pm (Last Edited: 3/18/06, 2:47pm)
This thread is for my blog posts.

The blog is here:

It looks like folks can reply here or from my blog, still trying to connect the dots...

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Message #142 of 405  *NEW*
To:  MonkMojo
Subject:  Intro
Date:  3/18/06, 3:34pm (Last Edited: 3/18/06, 4:03pm)
Welcome to my fantasy blog. I am playing in BaseballGeeks’ “Beat the Geeks” Yahoo fantasy league.

20 managers mixed 5x5 roto, weekly moves.

My spasmodic fantasy emissions will be loosely based on this league.

This is just my 2nd year playing fantasy baseball. Last year I made absolutely every mistake imaginable but had a great time and learned a lot.

I look forward to playing and keeping some notes and observations here on this blog as we move along. Don’t hesitate to comment and set me straight.

I’m #20 in the draft, as this is a snake draft I also get the 21st pick. I like how this league lets you know what position you are long before the draft, I defiantly need the extra time to stratigerize!

As of this post, there is about 24hrs to the live draft! Good Luck!

The blog is here if you are not already here:

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Message #153 of 405  *NEW*
To:  MonkMojo
Subject:  My Beat the Geeks Draft
Date:  3/20/06, 11:00am
My Beat the Geeks Draft.

A story of greed and betrayal.

Since I was last in the draft I had back-to-back picks.

Round 1 and 2:
Much of my strategy for hitting was to pick up young multi-position players:

I got Figgins only because “Refrigerators” got Utley the pick prior! I got speed instead of power.

I then reached for Cantu, that porn mustache belongs on my team!

Round 3 and 4
Had dreams of seeing F. López here but Psychotic Senoritas reached for him in the 1st round!

Missing out on Utley and Lopez rattles my fragile psyche, so I make an emotional reach for Tracy. (like a cry for help)

I was planning to take care of my infield before I touched any pitching. I still needed a SS, but “Game Four” snatched my #2 SS, Peralta long before.

In full panic mode now! I swear every good pitcher was coming off the board, so I reached for Myers.

Round 5 and 6
Foregoing huge amounts of POWER, I stay fixated on pitching. In a trance I pick up N. Lowry and D. Haren.

Round 7 and 8
Still hypnotized, I take my sleepers probably too early; D. Cabrera and K. Escobar.

Round 9 and 10
K. Escobar was the first half of my RP plan. The plan was to have full time starters with high K rates take the two RP slots, and just punt the saves category. The second half (and really the only option) for this was A. Heilman, so I took him next.

Now that I got that RP situation in the bag, it was time to take care of that nagging “you need a SS feeling”. Got my hopes up for M. Ellis but a few rounds prior London Lilliputians got him.

Now paranoia sets in, I’m thinking there is some kind of conspiracy to take my guys away from me! So I lash out in anger and reach deep and pull I. Kinsler out of his Jr. High algebra class.

Round 11 and 12

I quickly become aware of the fact that I have absolutely no outfield!
Factoid: These OF’s went just prior to my next pick:
G. Jenkins
J. Dye
A. Kearns
J. Hermida
W. Peña
R. Sanders

A deep depression sets in, as nearly every last drop of legit OF power disappears. After this tragedy I went into denial. I looked the other way and got Lu. González (not the outfielder) and to spite the world, I got another pitcher…P. Maholm…yes a rookie pitcher at that.

Round 13 and 14
Officially off the rails in search of surprise power leads me to rookies C. Granderson and M. Jacobs.

Round 15 and 16
Now I get distracted by a couple of young infielders J. Castillo and J. Hardy. If one of these guys gets hot, I’ll have some trade bait for mid-season.

I somehow overlook M. Murton during this greedy excursion, unlike “Game Four” who got him.

Round 17 and 18
But wait there’s hope! J. Gibbons has been jumping up and down, waiving his arms frantically trying to cut through the fog. I see him…I drop him in the draft cue…he is falling and falling and as I reach out to grab him Psychotic Senoritas swoops in and rips him from my clutches. I hate her.

Then with disdain, I let D. DeJesús be on my team. He is totally oblivious to how average he is.

I also grab C. Hansen, he has a chance at picking up some saves later in the season for Boston, depending on the life and times of K. Foulke.

Round 19 and 20
It’s a free-for-all!

I don’t need another rookie 1st baseman, but like the tales of Paul Bunyan, I BELIEVE! Me and C. Jackson gots da lumber! He’s gonna hang out in my Utility slot for awhile.

A. Marte joins us in our adventures while he waits for A. Boone to join his bro in retirement or to hurt himself doing non-baseball related naughty things.

Round 21
Zoinks! I need a warm body behind the plate, and with the pickup of J. Mathis to add to my collection of kids, we can get a bulk buy on ritialn and drivers ED classes!

The End.

Executive Summary:

I took my pitching too early, passing up reliable OF power. A couple of my rookies need to come through in a big way to give me a fighting chance. Being patient early on will be a challenge, waiting for these kids to adjust to MLB pitching.


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Message #154 of 405  *NEW*
To:  MonkMojo
Subject:  Re: My Beat the Geeks Draft
Date:  3/20/06, 12:30pm
I am new to the blogging, how did you create the picture up at the top of your page?

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Message #157 of 405  *NEW*
To:  MonkMojo
Subject:  Re: My Beat the Geeks Draft
Date:  3/20/06, 9:00pm (Last Edited: 3/20/06, 9:05pm)

My draft didn't go all that well either. I went for too much power early on & left myself short on speed & relief pitching. You think going into the draft that your prepaired. I thought I was, but things never pan out the way you want them & the picks in the draft just breeze by you in a blink of an eye. The picks went down faster than Micheal Jackson going down on little boys.

I'm glad you think the Psychotic Senoritas are a woman though. She is actually a man by the name of drrubb. Hopefully you still don't hate me. I laughed my ass off when I read your post about your draft. My inspiration for my team name came from the fact that I dated a spanish woman from Cental America who I just broke up with. She was beautiful but she started to become a little pyscho(crazy,loca) towards the end of our relationship. So I named my team the Psychotic Senoritas, who I believe will make me psychotic during the season due to my lack of decent relief pitching & meteocre at best speed. If you need some power at the plate, I have it! That is the strong part of my team. Maybe you have an extra closer you would be willing to trade or maybe you have an extra stolen base player you might be willing to trade. If you are interested, let me know! I know you want Jay Gibbons! I think?

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Message #159 of 405  *NEW*
To:  drrubb
Subject:  Re: My Beat the Geeks Draft
Date:  3/20/06, 11:02pm
LOL! Sorry about the gender bender, I wasn’t sure, then I noticed the female avatar and assumed, which I shouldn’t have cause I use a female avatar too.(they’re just nicer to look at) Slowly I’ll figure out who’s who.

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Message #160 of 405  *NEW*
To:  MonkMojo
Subject:  Re: My Beat the Geeks Draft
Date:  3/20/06, 11:15pm
No offense taken. Again, I thought it was histerical! I agree with you. The female avatar is just nicer to look at. I even made mine look kind of like a pretty spanish women with the dark olive skin & outfit on a tropical looking beach type backround. I know it may or may not interest you, but I did make you a trade offer. I figured you might need a starting catcher. Maybe you will consider my offer. If your not interested, just simply reject it. No big deal. I have also made one other trade offer to someone else in the league.

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Message #171 of 405  *NEW*
To:  MonkMojo
Subject:  Trade offers I’ve received so far
Date:  3/21/06, 10:07pm (Last Edited: 3/22/06, 11:01am)
Trade offers I’ve received so far in the Beat the Geeks League:

Some are better than others…

J. Gathright, K. Loe, S. Baker - for my C. Figgins AND C. Tracy

J. Burnitz, A. Eaton - For my C. Tracy

W. Peña – For my D. Haren

F. Liriano and J. Verlander for my C. Figgins AND C. Tracy

J. LaRue for my A. Heilman

T. Clark and B. Radke for my J. Hardy and D. Cabrera

Time to re-ink the reject stamp...

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Message #181 of 405  *NEW*
To:  MonkMojo
Subject:  Why Ian Snell and Seth McClung
Date:  3/22/06, 12:30pm

Why Ian Snell and Seth McClung

I picked these guys up off the wire today.

These guys fit the profile of my pitching strategy. Since I’m passing on Saves, I’m looking for high K guys.

Should Heilman or Escobar tank or get injured, I got a couple guys that I can still work into the RP slots.

Snell has had a good spring and has locked up a rotation spot. He is supposed to be a higher K pitcher than Maholm so I may end up starting Snell instead.

Seth McClung has also had a decent spring and has a rotation spot. Again, like his high K rate potential.

I gave up C. Hansen – Someone looking for saves in the longer term may want to take a chance on Foulke’s possible replacement.

I also gave up Aaron Boone’s future replacement,Andy Marte, good for someone looking for 3B depth.

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Message #183 of 405  *NEW*
To:  MonkMojo’s Beat the Geeks Odyssey Thread
Subject:  Why Ian Snell and Seth McClung
Date:  3/22/06, 2:06pm
I like your decisions of getting rid of Marte. It looks like he is going to be a good player, but not this year.

Thanks for the compliment.

Good Luck

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Message #250 of 405  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Fantasy Football invite from Monk Mojo
Date:  6/15/06, 12:22pm
Fantasy Football invite from Monk Mojo

The scoring is pretty standard with more active players and smaller bench than the yahoo default settings. Feel free to sign in and check out all the settings.

The Auto-Draft will be August 7th. This will give us plenty of time to fill the league (20 managers) and PRE RANK players. The regular season starts September 7th, so we will have a month to trade and work the waiver wire.

League ID# 65979
Password - edgar

13 players are already in 7 spots open.

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