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Message #172 of 405  *NEW*
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Subject:  Is Rickie Week or Strong?
Date:  3/22/06, 7:58am
One of my biggest question marks is Rickie Weeks at second base. Recently he has had problems with his right oblique. Here is what CBS Sportsline says about him.

2B Rickie Weeks is making slow progress from a strained right oblique. Weeks has been fielding groundballs and playing catch, but he has not been cleared to swing a bat. The Brewers hope to have him back in games by the end of the week. (Updated 03/20/2006).

He should be fine physically, but with all his talent, his stats were not good last year. He struck out way too much, which is not a concern, but he also doesn't walk. I have had the problem in past with getting burned by Cory Patterson, who I think is pretty similar. According to Fangraphs, Weeks at the same age had better stats in every category, including BB/K and RC. Hopefully, in full season Weeks can produce equal to Patterson's 2004 season where he hit .264, 24 HR and 32 SB. That would be a successful season for a second baseman took in the 4th round of a 20 team league.

Correction from the other day:

I am confused on why the Red Sox traded for Wily Mo. It looks like the outfield is crowded in Boston just like in Cincy. It wouldn't suprise me if there is another trade building with Pena or Nixon.

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Message #182 of 405  *NEW*
To:  47 Griffen's Thread
Subject:  Is Rickie Week or Strong?
Date:  3/22/06, 12:48pm

R. Belliard(mini-manny) is a great backup should Weeks have on going problems, physical or otherwise.

Nice looking team you got!

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