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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Fantasy Baseball : Reading "Stat services" Thread

Message #199 of 405  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Stat services
Date:  3/29/06, 12:05pm
My league used USAStats which as you may or may not know sold out to AllStar stats (affiliated with rotoworld). Now, what I have seen of AllStar stats leaves a lot to be desired (for me, personally).

Any suggestions on an alternate service?

Yahoo won't take our league because we have 33 on our rosters (11 on a farm team squad), and their rosters max out at 30 (even with a paid team).


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Message #200 of 405  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Guest10651 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: Stat services
Date:  3/29/06, 1:45pm
If you haven't already tried it, you could try

I think you can try to set up your league under the Baseball Commissioner. Sportsline has pretty good stats.

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Message #201 of 405  *NEW*
To:  Guest10651 (IP:
Subject:  Re: Stat services
Date:  3/29/06, 3:44pm
>If you haven't already tried it, you could try
>I think you can try to set up your league under the Baseball
>Commissioner. Sportsline has pretty good stats.

I just took a look at it, and we prefer a system that allows me to send them the draft info, and THEY enter it... yah, I know... I'm spoiled.

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Message #202 of 405  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Stat services
Date:  3/29/06, 4:02pm
Hey Rob,

The other league that I'm commish of uses It's bare bones on the graphics and player news, so it's cheaper than All Star stats. Another friend's league is kept on Much more colorful and informative interface, but more expensive than Hope this helps.


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