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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Fantasy Baseball : Reading "The name of the blogger or journalist goes here " Thread

Message #399 of 405  *NEW*
To:  All
Rod Yancy  
Subject:  The name of the blogger or journalist goes here
Date:  4/2/09, 2:48am (Last Edited: 4/2/09, 2:55am)
Great job on the baseballgeeks. I like the article you wrote about "SiriusXM cancels Fantasy Focus”

I'm the founder of and I'm writing because I think that you may be interested in the short-season fantasy baseball leagues that we are going to offer. In these leagues users will draft a team for a day's worth of match-ups and compete for real money prizes.

I'm working hard to get the word out about us and I'd like to set you up an account with some credits in it so that you can play a few games. Right now all you can do is draft for opening day, or you can play a couple of fantasy basketball games to get a feel.

I hope that you like us and link to us and maybe write about us, but I'm not asking for any commitment. If you do decide to write about us, let me know and I will provide a media kit.


Rod Yancy

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Message #401 of 405  *NEW*
To:  Rod Yancy
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Re: The name of the blogger or journalist goes here
Date:  4/2/09, 10:58am
Ooops... forgot to set up the subject line? I'm leaving this up (although I realize it is spam) in case anybody is interested.

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