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# Headlines Topic Author Reads Replies Most Recent Post
Five weeks after hip surgery, Arod begins baseball drills
Rob Reed25160
Five weeks after hip surgery, Arod begins baseball drills by Rob Reed, posted 4/13/09, 11:34pm
Orlando Hudson hits for the cycle as Dodgers slaughter the Giants
Rob Reed42341
Re: Orlando Hudson hits for the cycle as Dodgers slaughter the Giants by Jaydawg, posted 4/13/09, 8:14pm
Former major-leaguer Mark 'The Bird' Fidrych is found dead, under his truck
Former major-leaguer Mark 'The Bird' Fidrych is found dead, under his truck by Anonymous, posted 4/13/09, 7:41pm
Baseball mourns loss of Harry Kalas
Baseball mourns loss of Harry Kalas by Anonymous, posted 4/13/09, 4:55pm
Jake Peavy could end up a Milwaukee Brewer real soon
Jake Peavy could end up a Milwaukee Brewer real soon by Jaydawg, posted 4/12/09, 3:55pm
A-Rod hooks up with reality TV star, Bethenny Frankel, from 'The Real Housewives of New York City'
A-Rod hooks up with reality TV star, Bethenny Frankel, from 'The Real Housewives of New York City' by Jaydawg, posted 4/12/09, 1:53pm
Angels Live host Bill McDonald (Age 50) kisses what appears to be a very young (and I mean YOUNG) girl
Angels Live host Bill McDonald (Age 50) kisses what appears to be a very young (and I mean YOUNG) girl by Jaydawg, posted 4/10/09, 01:35am
Yovani Gallardo becomes the first pitcher to ever hit a homer off of Randy Johnson
Yovani Gallardo becomes the first pitcher to ever hit a homer off of Randy Johnson by Jaydawg, posted 4/09/09, 11:28pm
Canseco says there's a 90% chance that Manny used steroids
Canseco says there's a 90% chance that Manny used steroids by Jaydawg, posted 4/09/09, 9:27pm
Hours after pitching six stellar, scoreless innings, Angel rookie Nick Adenhart is killed in a hit-and-run auto accident
Rob Reed59322
Re: Hours after pitching six stellar, scoreless innings, Angel rookie Nick Adenhart is killed in a hit-and-run auto accident by Captain Hook, posted 4/9/09, 7:14pm
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