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Message #1077 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  38 minor leaguers suspended for violating steroid policy. Whoops.
Date:  4/04/05, 6:06pm

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Message #1078 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Pipman
Subject:  Re: 38 minor leaguers suspended for violating steroid policy. Whoops.
Date:  4/4/05, 6:20pm
Wow. This is WHOPPER news -- especially coming out on Opening Day.

If anything, it most definitely shows why it is important for MLB to stop this now. It hasn't really been said, but I suspect this is the reality of steroids in baseball: the REAL problem is among those ballplayers who are TRYING to get to the Big Show.

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Message #1092 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: 38 minor leaguers suspended for violating steroid policy. Whoops.
Date:  4/5/05, 12:47pm
The real interesting fact here is that the testing policy and the punishments are tougher on the minor leagues then they are on the big show guys. the article states how there are additional substances that are tested for in the minors including amphetamenes. It would be very interesting to know the actuall indicator and drug that tested positive.

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