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Message #1929 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Astros file insurance claim on Bagwell
Date:  2/01/06, 5:05pm
From the article:

Astros general manager Tim Purpura confirmed Wednesday night that the Astros filed the claim last week.

The 37-year-old Bagwell missed 115 games last season after surgery on his right shoulder, which has bothered him for four years. He returned late in the season and could bat, but he couldn't throw. He went 1-for-8 with an RBI and a run scored in the World Series.

The Astros had until Tuesday to file the claim. Doctors who examined Bagwell earlier in the month told the team that his shoulder was still damaged and that the team could not expect Bagwell to be productive this season.

Bagwell, however, has said he still intends to show up at spring training next month. Purpura and the Astros expect that, too.

"That's my understanding, that he's going to be there," Purpura said.

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Message #1932 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Astros file insurance claim on Bagwell
Date:  2/1/06, 8:24pm
This will go down as a sad day in baseball lore. In this day and age a player of Bagwell's caliber does not come around all that often and for the Astros, who he has been more than dedicated to, try and turn him into an insurance is beyond me. They could at least offer him a front office/coaching position or just leave him on the DL to see if he can come back. They owe him at least that much. It's very interesting that they finally make it to the Series and now, one of their most popular and dedicated players, has been thrown by the wayside. Hopefully he catches on with another AL team so he can make it back to the Series and finally win one. Sorry to vent, I just hate the way that baseball is going in this respect.

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Message #1940 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  johnreiss
Subject:  Re: Astros file insurance claim on Bagwell
Date:  2/2/06, 12:49pm (Last Edited: 2/2/06, 12:51pm)
I'll play the Devil's advocate. $17 million is a heck of a lot to pay for Bagwell.

On the other hand, nobody forced the Astros to sign Bags to the six-year contract extension before the 2001 season.

We discussed this issue a few podcasts ago, and I thought it was provocative because our "false rumor" had the Astros brass requesting that Bagwell retire, so that they could collect.

If the Astros forced Bagwell into this position, I felt that this would likely violate the insurance policy, making the insurance money unavailable. So, I think that our "false" rumor may have not been false, after all.

The Astros just have to lie about it in order to collect.

This is going to get ugly.

Imagine if Bagwell goes to his own doctors and gets a clean bill of health, and then demands a trade. This is probably Bags' only logical, next step.

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Message #1945 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Astros file insurance claim on Bagwell
Date:  2/3/06, 12:02am
Do you think this will become a recurring problem with older ball-players? Consider this scenario: a ballclub signs an older player and, knowing he will not be able to finish out the term of deal, tries to get an insurance claim on him.

We will now start seeing players being forced into hiring their own doctors and going to court to prove they can play. I say prove it on the field. Let Bag's go to spring training and if he can't play, then he can't play. If he can, you kept a valuable team leader and good player. Really a win-win situation for the Astros. Now, unfortunately, no one will come out of this happy.

Or they could just give the whole team to Roger Clemens and be done with it. Whichever.

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