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Message #3252 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Delmon Young Flips Out in Pawtucket (Izzy Alcantara Would Be Proud)
Date:  4/27/06, 6:25pm

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Message #3254 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Conor
Subject:  Re: Delmon Young Flips Out in Pawtucket (Izzy Alcantara Would Be Proud)
Date:  4/27/06, 8:21pm
This kid done lost his mind!!!Did anyone else see the video? Maybe he meant to hit the ump, maybe he didn't. Apparently he was suspended for the remainder of the season. I hear that Young has had somewhat of a history of "bad bahavior" or raging outburts. He also happens to the minor league player of the year of some type last year. What do you do if you are Tampa? Does he go play in Mexico to keep him active? He wouldn't act like that down there. Throwing a bat at an ump can get you killed no matter who you are. Perhaps Singapore has a league. Afterall, spray painting can get a kid cained there. What would they do a bat throwing baseball brat? Oaky, maybe that's far fetched but I am not the only one who thinks this way. I hope this suspension doesn't win the appeal that is sure to come. What I hope does happen is that such behavior towards umpires by anyone at any level starts getting the same punishment.

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Message #3264 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  attacksquad
Subject:  Re: Delmon Young Flips Out in Pawtucket (Izzy Alcantara Would Be Proud)
Date:  4/28/06, 4:14am
It certainly was a dumb-ass thing to do, but the footage of it doesn't really indicate he was on some violent rampage...just pissed and flipped the bat and it happened to hit the ump.

They should take things like witness descriptions (like from the Pawtucket catcher) into consideration before they suspend this kid for the entire season.

Heck, if he was caught using steroids, he'd still get to play at some point.

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Message #3266 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  redsoxchick
Subject:  Re: Delmon Young Flips Out in Pawtucket (Izzy Alcantara Would Be Proud)
Date:  4/28/06, 6:56am
Totally agree! There was NO EXCUSE for that! It's ashame because Delmon Young is such a great talent. He has a lot of positive PR he needs to do to even somewhat make up for this. That will scar his reputation for the rest of his baseball career.

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Message #3272 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  redsoxchick
Guest13938 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: Delmon Young Flips Out in Pawtucket (Izzy Alcantara Would Be Proud)
Date:  4/28/06, 5:39am
The video doesn't show him throwing the bat because he was pretty far away from the ump, so he clearly had to throw it at the ump with force. That was no random toss. He has to be suspended for at least this year, and a lifetime ban should be considedered. The integrity of the game is on the line here. If someone is allowed to throw a bat at an umpire, and get away with it, the next step is a complete free for all. Complete choas. This is baseball, not hockey. Next thing you know, someone is going to be swinging a bat at someone's head, the way hockey players crack sticks over each others heads.

If I was the commmissioner of the league in which Young was playing, I'd ban him for life from that league!

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Message #3285 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Guest13938 (IP:
Subject:  Re: Delmon Young Flips Out in Pawtucket (Izzy Alcantara Would Be Proud)
Date:  4/28/06, 5:08pm
I would just suspend him for the rest of the season. I think a lifetime ban is too harsh at this point. He'll learn a lesson & get the message just by suspending him for the remainder of this season. I think that is a fair punishment. If he does it again, then I think a lifetime ban would be appropriate.

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Message #3288 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  drrubb
The Olde English Ds  
Subject:  Re: Delmon Young Flips Out in Pawtucket (Izzy Alcantara Would Be Proud)
Date:  4/28/06, 6:07pm
If you think that was should see what happened to the guy that got in the way of his brother, Dmitri, at the buffett table.

Go Tigers!!!

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Message #3292 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  The Olde English Ds
Subject:  Re: Delmon Young Flips Out in Pawtucket (Izzy Alcantara Would Be Proud)
Date:  4/28/06, 10:16pm
Yeah! You don't want to get in the meat hook's way!

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Message #3295 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  redsoxchick
Subject:  Re: Delmon Young Flips Out in Pawtucket (Izzy Alcantara Would Be Proud)
Date:  4/28/06, 11:33pm
>It certainly was a dumb-ass thing to do, but the footage of it
>doesn't really indicate he was on some violent rampage...just
>pissed and flipped the bat and it happened to hit the ump.
>They should take things like witness descriptions (like from
>the Pawtucket catcher) into consideration before they suspend
>this kid for the entire season.
>Heck, if he was caught using steroids, he'd still get to play
>at some point.

I don't know, Cyn. I just saw the clip tonight from last night's Tivo'd Baseball Tonight, and I am hardpressed to see how anyone could accidentally flip the bat like that.

I had the impression that it came up off the ground or something, but this thing was purposefully thrown in the direction of the ump.

A season ban is in order, although I suspect that Delmon is going to get off lightly.

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