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Message #3848 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  2007 MLB free agents listing from MLB Trade Rumors
Date:  7/15/06, 10:55am
Valuable listing and good guide on who to watch in the coming weeks...

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Message #3851 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: 2007 MLB free agents listing from MLB Trade Rumors
Date:  7/15/06, 12:26pm
I love the line about the makeup at the end of the first paragraph of that article. New York players are probably required to where makeup before & during the game since all of them are glamourous pre-madonnas. I'm sure even Stienbrenner where's makeup. God forbid if any of the Yankee player's blush sweats off or if their mascara runs, especially Jeter & ARod's.

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Message #3856 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  drrubb
The Olde English Ds  
Subject:  Re: 2007 MLB free agents listing from MLB Trade Rumors
Date:  7/15/06, 1:09pm
Watch for Bobby Abreau to become a Tiger...

Go Tigers!!!

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Message #3858 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  The Olde English Ds
Subject:  Re: 2007 MLB free agents listing from MLB Trade Rumors
Date:  7/15/06, 2:08pm
That would be better than anyone of those NY teams.

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Message #3899 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  The Olde English Ds
Guest19342 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: 2007 MLB free agents listing from MLB Trade Rumors
Date:  7/22/06, 10:58pm
which pitcher and utility player are the tigers going to give up. and how do the low budget tigers plan on assuming abreau's contract? its not that easy. plus if the tigers want him and so do the yankees. hmm a team that can assume his contract, give something in return, and a perenial world series favorite or a team that can't assume his contract, has something to offer, and is a perenial 100 game loser except for this year? bobby will have a say in any trade. so why would he even want to play for the tigers.

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Message #3916 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  The Olde English Ds
Guest19692 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: 2007 MLB free agents listing from MLB Trade Rumors
Date:  7/28/06, 11:39am
Then maybe you'll learn how to spell his name?

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