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Message #3956 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Seattle shows interest in hiring their former second baseman, Harold Reynolds as a broadcaster, says Mariner V.P. of Communications Randy Adamack
Date:  8/03/06, 8:34pm
The best move would be for the Mariners to hold out on hiring Reynolds at least until the controversies surrounding him are resolved. Even if he's convicted of sexual harrassment, it wouldn't necessarily mean the end of his broadcasting career. Look at Marv Albert.

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Message #3960 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Seattle shows interest in hiring their former second baseman, Harold Reynolds as a broadcaster, says Mariner V.P. of Communications Randy Adamack
Date:  8/4/06, 7:54am
Well, first... sexual harrassment, while very bad, is not a criminal charge (that I know of... I stand to be corrected, but I don't know anyone who got prison time for it).

So, the issue is solely a civil (read: money) matter, potentially.

Second, I have heard no news that anyone was filing a lawsuit against ESPN or Harold directly.

So, I don't have any problem with this hiring, personally.

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