Nah, I think Ba-Bo will be signed by either the A's or Angels by the end of May. Or, maybe the Yankees if Giambi has injury troubles. I'm reluctant to admit it, but I actually miss Bonds playing for the Giants. Now that he's gone, who do the Dodger fans have to boo? Tim Lincecum? Too new.. Rowand? Same thing. It's always been easy to boo the Giants because of the abundance of arrogant players they've had over the years, such as Bonds, Juan Marichal, Will Clark, Matt Williams, Robby Thompson, Chili Davis, Jeffrey Leonard, etc. When L.A. and S.F. started the season, you didn't feel the rivalry very much. The Giants should sign Johnny Damon or Miguel Tejada in order to bring the rivalry back. Perhaps, they can make up with Ba-Bo again..  
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