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Message #5175 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Rob Reed  
Subject:  According to his wife, Arod passed out during birth of his daughter
Date:  5/06/08, 4:43pm
From the article:

"The one nurse had a cold cloth on his head. The other nurse had the blood pressure on his arm. And my mother was like rubbing his back. And he is passed out on a couch. And I am there, in the middle of labor," Cynthia Rodriguez, wife of the New York Yankees star, said on an episode of the YES Network's "YESterdays" that is scheduled to be broadcast Wednesday night.

"And really, I am not being paid much attention to besides the doctor and a couple of nurses," she said. "And he is there moaning. In between pushing, I am going, 'Honey, are you OK?' and 'Are you breathing? Are you OK?'"

Oh, boy. Boston fans who think Arod is a wuss are gonna love this one.

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Diary of A Baseball Geek

Message #5193 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Rob Reed
Subject:  Re: According to his wife, Arod passed out during birth of his daughter
Date:  5/9/08, 2:08am
Awwwwwwwwwwwww.......... poor little Arod. Hi, I'm Arod. I make 100 gazillion dollars a year. I need to scream at the opposing team's players when I round the bases on pop ups. Yes, Arod is a great fantasy player, but I still believe he is overated because he has never proven that he can perform in the clutch, especially when it comes to the playoffs & I LOVE IT! When you make the kind of money he makes, he deserves the ridicule. Your suppost to be able to put your team on your back when necessary during crunch time & he has never really proven he could do that. He puts up nice fantasy numbers, but what does he really do beyond that?

Arod is a p#**y!!!!!!!!!!!!

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