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Message #5198 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Farewell to Yankee Stadium
Date:  5/09/08, 2:53pm
Great site with articles and video of memorable Yankee Stadium moments.

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Message #5199 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Eagleye290
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Re: Farewell to Yankee Stadium
Date:  5/9/08, 2:55pm
>Great site with articles and video of memorable Yankee Stadium

The first tickets I bought for my upcoming trip on StubHub fell through. Stubhub gave me a $70 gift certificate for the trouble (how is that for service?)... and I received confirmation that the new tix are in the mail. Yay.

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Message #5206 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Eagleye290
Subject:  Re: Farewell to Yankee Stadium
Date:  5/10/08, 9:08am
& good ridence

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Message #5210 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Eagleye290
Subject:  Re: Farewell to Yankee Stadium
Date:  5/10/08, 2:17pm
I am going to watch the Yankees play the A's in July. There was no way I could pass up a chance to see the House Ruth Built. How I hate the Yankees as much as anyone, but it's a piece of baseball history, really a piece of American history.

For me though, Wrigley field on a Saturday afternoon is the all-time best. It just can't be beat. No lights (remember when they didn't have those there? Anyone?), the ivy, and the hot dogs without ketchup.

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Message #5211 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  john.reiss
Subject:  Re: Farewell to Yankee Stadium
Date:  5/10/08, 2:32pm
>For me though, Wrigley field on a Saturday afternoon is the
>all-time best. It just can't be beat. No lights (remember when
>they didn't have those there? Anyone?), the ivy, and the hot
>dogs without ketchup.

As huge of a Yankee fan as I am, my first ever baseball game was actually a double header at Wrigley against the Dodgers. I agree Wrigley is something special but it just doesn't have the history that the big ball park in the bronx has (nor does any other stadium for that matter).

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