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Message #5299 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Mariah Carey threw out the first pitch at Thursday's game in the Tokyo Dome
Date:  6/01/08, 6:33pm
You have to admire her uniform, if nothing else. But, when it comes to Mariah's technique, I think her baseball career will last as long as her current marriage. I'll still take Mariah over Anna Benson any day.

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Message #5303 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Mariah Carey threw out the first pitch at Thursday's game in the Tokyo Dome
Date:  6/2/08, 8:17am
It was impressive enough that she was able to walk in those heels. I'm not going to give her any grief for throwing the ball in the ground. And it was a nice uniform - almost as good as the ghetto prom dress she wore for Jordan's retirement.

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Message #5305 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  brian.joura
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Re: Mariah Carey threw out the first pitch at Thursday's game in the Tokyo Dome
Date:  6/2/08, 8:47am
>It was impressive enough that she was able to walk in those
>heels. I'm not going to give her any grief for throwing the
>ball in the ground. And it was a nice uniform - almost as
>good as the ghetto prom dress she wore for Jordan's

Wait a minute... you mean she was throwing a ball? I have to watch it again for the 3,456th time to check that out.

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