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Message #5821 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Manny nixes Dodgers' 1-yr $25 mill offer
Date:  2/03/09, 4:43pm
Scott Boras screws it up for Varitek, so he is on a mission to play hardball with Manny... we talk about this issue in today's podcast, which will be up later tonight.

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Message #5908 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Rob Reed
Subject:  Re: Manny nixes Dodgers' 1-yr $25 mill offer
Date:  2/8/09, 1:54am
Manny is a moron! One year for 25 million? How much money does one man need? I think he was an idiot for not taking this deal. I realize he wanted multiple years but come on! I just hope the Dodgers don't come back & offer him more. Nor do I want any other team to make him a better offer. It's called greed(one of the 7 deadly sins.

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