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Message #77 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Owners Approve $430 Million Sale of Dodgers
Date:  1/29/04, 3:12pm

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Message #78 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Owners Approve $430 Million Sale of Dodger
Date:  1/29/04, 3:15pm
You know, the more I think about Fox's ownership, the more I am surprised.This was FOX... a multi-billion dollar company. They inherited a team with All-Star caliber players, and ran the team into the ground.When you think about it, the failing of the Dodgers has to go in the business history books as one of the worst business handlings in the history of the corporate world.

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Message #79 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Owners Approve $430 Million Sale of Dodger
Date:  1/30/04, 10:57am
Fox is sucking New York's you know what, like everyone else! That's where the money is & that's what it's all about I'm sad to say! It pains me dearly!

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