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Message #918 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Barry Bonds whines to the media that it is their fault (and not the decision to have a knee surgery in late January) that he may be out for the season
Date:  3/22/05, 4:58pm
A few questions to ponder:

(1) Lack of steroids in the system affecting his healing prowess?

(2) Why the hell did he decide on a knee surgery only two months from Spring Training? Why not October?

(3) What do the media accusations have to do with his knee injury and the late surgeries?

I generally like Bonds. Not today.

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Message #921 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Barry Bonds whines to the media that it is their fault (and not the decision to have a knee surgery in late January) that he may be out for the season
Date:  3/22/05, 8:01pm
Looking at the situation from a non biased point of view, I think the best decision Bonds can make is to sit out the entire season. I say this because this will certainly give his body a long time to heal. His knees can heal. Whatever steroids he has left in his system, if he still has any traces of it in his system, he can rid of & get clean from here on out. He could comeback next season, steroid free, knees probably fully healed & functional, & make one last serious run at Babe Ruth's & Hank Aaron's home run records. Taking a full season off would also eventually scrape off all of that media coverage he has been receiving. Obviously, the media coverage won't completely go away no matter what his decision is. If he stays clean from here on out & continues to keep his body in decent shape by working out, training, & rehabing his knee, eating right, etc., he could still have another solid season or two to break those records.

Again, I have no positive or negative opinion about Bonds. This is just my non biased personal opinion. I could really care less what happens to him from here on out, favorable or not favorable.

Another thing Bonds could do to perhaps repair his reputation, especially if he is definately guilty of using steroids, is to just simply retire & purposely not break those records.

He could confess like Giambi, give a sincere heartfelt apology to his family, baseball fans, his team, his organization, the league, & whoever else & just retire. I think that would go a long way with baseball fans in general & perhaps many others in helping repairing his reputation if he is guilty of steroid use.

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