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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : General Discussion : Reading "Bonds on Bonds" Thread

Message #135 of 317  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Bonds on Bonds
Date:  4/11/06, 11:13pm
Okay, I finally sat down with my Tivo and watched last week's show and tonight's. A few observations.

Barry Bonds is one of my favorite all time players. I can forgive him for loving and playing on that lousy team up north.

The show, in my view, shows a very likeable side of the guy. I like that.

Still, if anyone has an immense hatred for the guy, I don't think it will change anything.

If you watched tonight's episode (episode 2), it became VERY clear to me that the TRADE BARRY Topps sign was, in some part, set-up by the producers of this show, as I suspected, and I'm a bit ticked off by that.

Why do I think that?

The ESPN cameras were there for the entire putting up and taking down of the sign... and then the putting up of the new Topps sign. At the very least, they were tipped off... and what would the incentive for Topps be to tip them off? Exposure, certainly... but something tells me some payola changed hands. Perhaps ESPN even paid for the adverts?

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Diary of A Baseball Geek

Message #139 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Guest12668 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: Bonds on Bonds
Date:  4/13/06, 4:28am
Actually, the "Trade Barry" billboard is part of an elaborate marketing scheme by a trading card company (a newer one, not a biggie like Topps or Donruss). In the coming weeks, the billboard will get updated, revealing it's true meaning...
(TRADEing cards)

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Message #141 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Guest12668 (IP:
Subject:  Re: Bonds on Bonds
Date:  4/14/06, 3:09pm
>Actually, the "Trade Barry" billboard is part of an elaborate
>marketing scheme by a trading card company (a newer one, not a
>biggie like Topps or Donruss). In the coming weeks, the
>billboard will get updated, revealing it's true meaning...
>(TRADEing cards)

Actually, it is Topps, and I believe their Etopps special cards for every HR Bonds gets up to Ruth.

Still, because the production crew of the show was there for the putting up and taking down of the sign, it is clear that there was involvement.

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Message #166 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Diary of A Baseball Geek Thread
Subject:  Re: Bonds on Bonds
Date:  4/26/06, 2:36pm
Hey bud, that is a little silly but at the same time I think it is a great marketing campaign. creates buzz amongst the baseball community. LOOK ITS WORKING AS WE SPEAK! LOL... Anyways, keep up the great blog, i'll be back.


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Message #167 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Guest13826
Brew Crew Fan  
Subject:  Re: Bonds on Bonds
Date:  4/26/06, 4:30pm
Well, i just saw an update that Bonds just hit his 3rd HR of the season. Something i thought of while seeing Bonds struggle just to run the bases after his 2nd HR... Is he just staying around to pass babe, then retire? I could see it happening, as soon as he passes Babe. I guess its a matter of if he thinks he would be walking out on his teammates. I dont know if he has the character that would do that or not. I dont know.


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