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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : San Francisco Giants : Reading "Pedro Feliz " Thread

Message #2 of 13  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Pedro Feliz
Date:  3/25/05, 9:44am (Last Edited: 3/25/05, 9:46am)
I've mentioned in the past how high I am on this guy.

So, I get a spam mail this morning from Matthew Berry... noted radio fantasy guy and proprietor of, who has this to say on Feliz:

Last year, Bonds hit 4th in every single AB. except for 2 pinch hit AB.

So. batting 3rd - ahead of Bonds - last year, Feliz did this:

.348 BA, .359 OBP, .582 slugging, 6 HR, 28 RBI in 158 AB

Batting 5th now - BEHIND Bonds. As in not protected by him.

.232 BA, .257 OBP, .416 slugging, 9 HR, 32 RBI in 185 AB.

Wow. And he ain't gonna have Bonds before him or even after him now. He'll hit for power, but kill your batting average along with it. And he is still going way too early.

I drafted Feliz in my serpentine draft last week. Let's just say he isn't high on my list for my auction draft tomorrow.

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Message #3 of 13  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Pedro Feliz
Date:  3/29/05, 6:52pm
How many leagues are you in Rob?

I'm in 2 BBM leagues this season & turned down a third offer to another Pinetar league because I feel I couldn't handle more than 2 leagues.

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Message #4 of 13  *NEW*
To:  drrubb
Subject:  Re: Pedro Feliz
Date:  3/30/05, 12:42pm
One BBM league (with you), one auction league, and one serpentine league run on

I had a few more offers... and didn't go through with em, fortunately. I am commissioner of the auction league.

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