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Subject:  BaseballGeeks draft
Date:  3/19/06, 7:11pm (Last Edited: 3/19/06, 8:55pm)
We had fun, guys! Here is the transcript of my IM session with Gregg during the draft. Consider it our late live blogging of the draft session.

robreedesq: hey gregg - see this?
robreedesq: yo
Benjake4: hi
robreedesq: johan baby!
robreedesq: yes?
Benjake4: go for it, unless ... Manny?
robreedesq: hes gone
Benjake4: Johan!
Benjake4: Good
robreedesq: are you watching the draft?
Benjake4: Yes, fast...
robreedesq: well it is now... not for long
Benjake4: Yep...
Benjake4: Can't tell who picks when
robreedesq: look at the flags on the top of the screen
Benjake4: go it
Benjake4: We're #6?
robreedesq: yup
Benjake4: You want steals, next?
robreedesq: im thinking SBs for the next pick... you?
Benjake4: lol
robreedesq: look at us... we're like one brain
Benjake4: Figgins?
robreedesq: sounds good to me... in honor of you
robreedesq: if we can get him, but im thinking he will be gone
Benjake4: reyes or pierre?
robreedesq: there goes figgins
Benjake4: pierre
Benjake4: ["Oh shucks], this is tough
Benjake4: sheffield?
robreedesq: i know... dont like that for second round... lets get power and then sbs
Benjake4: dunn?
robreedesq: im thinking dunn
Benjake4: suzuki!!!
Benjake4: is he taken?
robreedesq: ichiro is gone
Benjake4: dunn, then
robreedesq: what about jimmy rollins?
Benjake4: yes
robreedesq: we could probably get dunn 10 picks later
robreedesq: ok... rollins it is?
Benjake4: Michael Young?
robreedesq: ooooo - sure
Benjake4: rollins for steals?
robreedesq: we might be able to get rollins ten picks later
robreedesq: lets go young and then rollins or dunn
Benjake4: OK
robreedesq: young has been taken
robreedesq: rollins?
Benjake4: yep
robreedesq: gottem
Benjake4: that's good
Benjake4: dunn, next?
robreedesq: you think he's gonna lead the league in HRs, so I say yes :-)
Benjake4: I think, I think, what do I know?
robreedesq: sizemore is out there tho
Benjake4: OOH, yes
robreedesq: but too early with third round im thinkin
Benjake4: not too early...there's still Sexson and the lot of guys who will hit 40
robreedesq: ok sizemore and 20-20?
robreedesq: nooo just taken
Benjake4: ["Oh, horror of horrors!"]...dunn
robreedesq: these guys know what theyre doin
robreedesq: it is us...
Benjake4: dunnor rolen
robreedesq: dunn berkman hafner rolen
robreedesq: lets go dunn first
Benjake4: good
robreedesq: rolen we coan get later i think
Benjake4: OK
robreedesq: gottem
Benjake4: Oy!
Benjake4: We're going to outsmart them in the end...
robreedesq: im thinkin krod or wagner next, tho... and then rolen or bonds
Benjake4: KRod gone, Wagner yes
robreedesq: he probably will be gone too... lets go for best available closer... street or gagne if wagner is gonew
Benjake4: andru jones?
robreedesq: hmmmm....
Benjake4: we'd get HRs
robreedesq: our BA kinda stinks with dunn
Benjake4: Young balances out...who else with pop?
robreedesq: we dont have young lol
robreedesq: rollins hit .290 last year
Benjake4: with a hitting streak
robreedesq: other than rolen? blalock is out there, glaus,
Benjake4: podsednick, like rolen more
robreedesq: bonds
Benjake4: yep
robreedesq: podsednik would be a good move if we want to dominate in sbs
robreedesq: wagner is gone
robreedesq: lets go closer next and then bonds
Benjake4: you sure? closers are easy to get
robreedesq: not good ones - up to you
robreedesq: alright lets wait
Benjake4: bonds gone
robreedesq: bonds and then rolen?
robreedesq: crap
Benjake4: griffey?
Benjake4: nathan or street
robreedesq: what about matt holliday?
Benjake4: too early for holliday
robreedesq: he is gonna go after our next two picks and before our third
Benjake4: matsui?
robreedesq: ugh
robreedesq: not yet
Benjake4: OK
Benjake4: closer...
robreedesq: there goes rolen
Benjake4: beltre will be there, 3B is deep
robreedesq: how about podsednik if he is there to solidify that category and then a closer?
Benjake4: OK, I like it
robreedesq: looks like smoltz is still under the radar... he would be nice in the following round
Benjake4: Oooh yeah
Benjake4: so many not worries
Benjake4: Gomes? This early?
robreedesq: magglio is also a good sleeper here because he is low ranked
robreedesq: clearly the senoritas have been listening to our podcast
Benjake4: randy johnson...all those SOs and wins
robreedesq: dont think he is gonna last... want to pull the plug on him now and then podsednik or a closer?
Benjake4: yep
robreedesq: k
robreedesq: im with ya
robreedesq: we'll take strikeouts AND sbs if we can get both
Benjake4: we can find more SBs with cheap outfielders like taveras
robreedesq: there goes randy
Benjake4: shi[ite]
Benjake4: podsednik
robreedesq: k
robreedesq: cross your fingers
Benjake4: street?
Benjake4: Nah, steals
robreedesq: i like him - cross your fingers for podman...
robreedesq: we got him
robreedesq: sound good?
Benjake4: yes
Benjake4: ["I am greatly distressed!"], wanted Weeks
robreedesq: what about gagne?
Benjake4: street
robreedesq: ok
Benjake4: lidge is gone right?
robreedesq: yup
robreedesq: way early
robreedesq: jaydawg just took street
Benjake4: OK, then, nathan?
robreedesq: sure
Benjake4: gone...
Benjake4:'s a risk
robreedesq: but a good one
robreedesq: we're up
Benjake4: go for it
robreedesq: trevor hoffman?
Benjake4: gagne will SO?
robreedesq: yup
Benjake4: gagne
robreedesq: have to
Benjake4: yes
Benjake4: thome, griffey -- HR?
robreedesq: thome will slip... ryan howard gone?
Benjake4: we can get pitching later...O.perez for SO..howard gone
Benjake4: we have no 2B or 3B
robreedesq: rolen still out there?
robreedesq: nah
Benjake4: blalock
robreedesq: he is gone
Benjake4: beltre
robreedesq: atkins, nomar, mora, beltre
robreedesq: lowell
Benjake4: all good...not lowell, right now
robreedesq: just throwing ouit there what is left at 3b
Benjake4: ellis at 2B
robreedesq: hall is still out there lol
robreedesq: now, you're just teasing me
Benjake4: have you seen Ellis in spring?
robreedesq: no... but you jumped on playertrack with himbeing ranked high, remember?
robreedesq: he was very good last year
Benjake4: I...was...wrong...
robreedesq: lol
robreedesq: can i get you recorded on that?
Benjake4: we can get him later, though, no? can quote me
Benjake4: beltre gone
robreedesq: absolutely can get him probably in two or three rounds... if not later
Benjake4: need a 3B...
robreedesq: gambles...
robreedesq: mora was the #3 fantasy player on playertrack in 2004...
robreedesq: atkins plays ina nice field obviously
robreedesq: nomar?
Benjake4: nomar
Benjake4: encarnacion...later?
robreedesq: oh yes...
robreedesq: forgot about him
robreedesq: we could wait and go for him
Benjake4: griffey taken?
robreedesq: but thats a gamble too
robreedesq: griffey AND floyd are still out there
robreedesq: floyd was a stud last year too
Benjake4: griffey is better..floyd is hurt again
robreedesq: ok... hold your breath - dont think he is gonna make it to us
robreedesq: floyd just went
Benjake4: I have TSN open...
Benjake4: I can look some good stuff up
robreedesq: our two power guys will be reds... why does that sound like a bad thing? :-)
Benjake4: thome?
robreedesq: probably should
robreedesq: if griffey is gone
Benjake4: OK
Benjake4: b. roberts?
Benjake4: Sbs, especially if he can't hit HRs with that shoulder
robreedesq: didnt his avg tank in 2nd half, or was it still respectable?
Benjake4: but that makes him Ellis or Kennedy
robreedesq: he is a good option at this point tho
Benjake4: no on roberts...need beefy stats in HRs
Benjake4: or average
Benjake4: thome gone
robreedesq: griffey gone
Benjake4: jones is gone
Benjake4: or is he?
robreedesq: chipper?
robreedesq: chipper is gone
robreedesq: we're up
robreedesq: roberts?
Benjake4: no
Benjake4: hooliday
robreedesq: cool
Benjake4: as good as Griffey, perhaps
robreedesq: well, not 35 HRs, I dont think... but 25-30 AND sbs AND avg
Benjake4: almost forgot him
Benjake4: SP or 2B or 3B
Benjake4: nomar?
Benjake4: fits a lot of places
robreedesq: im thinking we gamble with encarnacion for the next round - is smoltz still there?
robreedesq: nomar is a great option at this point tho
robreedesq: smoltz is gone
Benjake4: nomar
robreedesq: k
robreedesq: hold your breath again
Benjake4: unless you like Huff
robreedesq: i do... but nomar fills a backup 3B, SS, and 1B... must do
Benjake4: nomar it is
robreedesq: we're up
Benjake4: nomah!!!
robreedesq: ["Bat guano!"] i forgot drew
Benjake4: so what? Rowand is out there
robreedesq: i got him about this time in my other draft
robreedesq: oh, i like your positivity
Benjake4: take care of 2B?
Benjake4: polanco?
Benjake4: ordonez?
Benjake4: luis castillo still out there?
robreedesq: lets go maggs!
Benjake4: lots of risks...OK
Benjake4: b. giles!!! Oh, man, he will be gone
robreedesq: that park, tho... he has really dropped off... the 11 feet wont make a difference...
Benjake4: great in every other category
robreedesq: i prefer maggs, personally
robreedesq: 30+ HR for sure
robreedesq: and potential for very good avg
robreedesq: your call
Benjake4: right now, yes
Benjake4: safe pick
robreedesq: giles
Benjake4: we also have no pitchers
Benjake4: where is giles on PT?
Benjake4: pierre is gone?
Benjake4: do we have OBP in this league?
robreedesq: 30th among all OFs
robreedesq: no OBP
Benjake4: hmmm
robreedesq: pierre is gone
Benjake4: alou?
Benjake4: burrell?
Benjake4: francoeur
robreedesq: maggs was ranked 85 tho
robreedesq: francouer is gone
Benjake4: alou?
Benjake4: burrell or giles
Benjake4: edmonds?
robreedesq: alou is still there - could really benefit with bonds
Benjake4: huff...winn?
robreedesq: edmonds gone
robreedesq: wilkerson!
robreedesq: too early?
Benjake4: is he for sure...early, yet
robreedesq: lots of HRs before last year... band box, baby... let's wait
robreedesq: kearns?
Benjake4: no
robreedesq: lol
robreedesq: there gioes maggs
Benjake4: OK, start thinking..what do we need..who's the best out there?
Benjake4: giles
robreedesq: k
Benjake4: freel at 2B
Benjake4: trade bait
robreedesq: after giles?
Benjake4: OK
robreedesq: someone just took wood lol
Benjake4: josh willingham...huff is gone?
robreedesq: huff is gone
robreedesq: i am sure willingham is not
Benjake4: giles...marcus?
robreedesq: marcus is gone
robreedesq: want to pull plug on brian?
Benjake4: brian, then.
robreedesq: and now freel for trade bait
Benjake4: I like that pick....freel it is, though he's decent at that position
robreedesq: there goes wilkerson
Benjake4: freel...winn?
Benjake4: we need pitching, though, too
Benjake4: freel for a pitcher?
robreedesq: winn is gone
Benjake4: fuentes?
robreedesq: hmmm... it would be good to get another closer here
robreedesq: what about jenks?
robreedesq: or mike gonzalez?
Benjake4: no on jenks, not sure about him...fuentes in my book. freel?
robreedesq: let's go freel now and then closer... then we need power
Benjake4: pitchers?
Benjake4: freel yes
robreedesq: cain is still there
Benjake4: better than freel here?
robreedesq: livan...
Benjake4: not sure...
robreedesq: after what you said about livan yesterday... my vibe is there with this pick
Benjake4: vibe is good...but do we need to trade for something
robreedesq: there goes fuentes
Benjake4: dempster is solid
Benjake4: SOs and good ERA
robreedesq: shall we go dempster here or freel?
Benjake4: dempster
robreedesq: he is closing right?
robreedesq: :-)
Benjake4: I hope so...
Benjake4: freel may stay out there
robreedesq: and livan was just taken
robreedesq: ok im looking power - lemme check ptrack for a 2B
robreedesq: aurilia and belliard came up...
Benjake4: ugh...freel
robreedesq: lol
Benjake4: castillo gone?
robreedesq: luis?
Benjake4: yes
Benjake4: AVE a little SB
robreedesq: no he is there
Benjake4: he's real steady
robreedesq: he really is on the downturn of his career tho
Benjake4: true..ellis might do, but not a lot of many HRs
robreedesq: we do need avg tho
Benjake4: kennedy does both
robreedesq: 13 HR in 434 abs for ellis
Benjake4: ellis is gone!
robreedesq: ["dog poop!"]
Benjake4: freel or kennedy
Benjake4: one should be available
robreedesq: ok
robreedesq: freek is ranked higher than kennedy
Benjake4: yes, just getting ready
robreedesq: i mean freel lol
Benjake4: got u
Benjake4: that's over
robreedesq: there goes freel
Benjake4: kennedy
Benjake4: valverde looks nice
robreedesq: hermida?
Benjake4: sure, but what are we doing at 2B?
robreedesq: it says mike lowell qualifies on yahoo
robreedesq: just a thought
robreedesq: he will go late
robreedesq: kennedy would go late too
Benjake4: at 2B? wait on him
Benjake4: how will benitez be after all is said and donez?
Benjake4: benitez looks fine, according to TSN today
robreedesq: if he is still there, i am surprised... yup he is... we solidify saves with him as far as I am concerned
robreedesq: lets go for him next and then power somewhere
Benjake4: that's it or Valverde?
robreedesq: o prerez is gone fyi
robreedesq: perez
robreedesq: i like benitez more because of the experience
Benjake4: of course
robreedesq: and the team aint half bad if bonds is there
Benjake4: I have a feeling about Mussina...Alou still out there?
robreedesq: alous is still there
robreedesq: hermida will NOT last long
robreedesq: i think i would pull the plug on hermida here
Benjake4: Benitez is needed
robreedesq: 20 HR and 20+ SBs min
Benjake4: think of a backup -- Alou?
robreedesq: mike gonzalez is out there if we lose him on way back
robreedesq: alou is a great backup but wont last long wither
Benjake4: but we have two close picks
Benjake4: gonz
Benjake4: gone
robreedesq: ok - what do you want to do here... benitez and then hermida?
robreedesq: or alou?
robreedesq: hermida will be gone if we dont take him here
Benjake4: OK
robreedesq: which?
robreedesq: we have two really good closers right now... we could wait for an orvella, ray, borowski etc
Benjake4: OK, hermida, I just worry about that lineup
robreedesq: benitez now or hermida?
Benjake4: benitez
robreedesq: gottem
Benjake4: OK...see?
Benjake4: We just gave ourselves a tone of saves...if they aren't injured
robreedesq: yup we did
robreedesq: that is two categories
robreedesq: not bad
Benjake4: Frank Thomas?
robreedesq: ah
Benjake4: How's is he?
robreedesq: probably TOO much of a risk for us with this team
Benjake4: Hermida or Alou
robreedesq: he just played in his first minor league game (dont know result) so he is progressing slowly
robreedesq: we have to take hermida here
Benjake4: OK...Mussina?
robreedesq: he will see pitches with jacobs and cabrera around him
robreedesq: he runs... whole package
Benjake4: OK, good thinking
robreedesq: hold your breath
robreedesq: i have a bad feeling
robreedesq: him or alou
Benjake4: alou as backup
Benjake4: hermida
robreedesq: here we go
Benjake4: pitching is next.
robreedesq: we would have lost hermida if game four picked ahead of us
Benjake4: alou might still be out there!
robreedesq: if he is, we have to take him
Benjake4: sure
robreedesq: then pitching
robreedesq: sandy alomar is still out there
Benjake4: LOL
Benjake4: Willingham
robreedesq: barajas and molia AND posada (wow) are still out there
robreedesq: ok
robreedesq: thats two rookie marlins...
Benjake4: Ervin Santana
robreedesq: our team is looking VERY VERY good for a 20 team leagye
robreedesq: league
Benjake4: I agree...we know our stuff, honestly
Benjake4: balance is the key
Benjake4: Escobar for SO
robreedesq: i like where we took closers... we are done there and people will now be scrambling for relief, which is why we will likely get alou
robreedesq: escobar went, unfortunatelyt
robreedesq: but i like santana
Benjake4: OK, he should come after Alou, yes?
robreedesq: absolutely
Benjake4: Mussina though would be good with Santana...the Yanks will win for him
robreedesq: you are right
robreedesq: he pained me greatly last year tho
Benjake4: cliff lee? contreras still out there?
robreedesq: cliff lee gone
Benjake4: contreras?
robreedesq: contreras gone
robreedesq: i like jae seo for later
robreedesq: he looked REALLY good in the WBC
Benjake4: maybe....lowe?
Benjake4: penny?
robreedesq: lowe went awhile ago too
robreedesq: penny is still there
robreedesq: i actually like seo more than penny and lowe
Benjake4: prior is gone? haren? blanton looks good
robreedesq: prior gone
Benjake4: the A's. Highly ranked where I'm looking
Benjake4: santana gone
robreedesq: haren and blanton are gone
Benjake4: d. cabrera for SO
robreedesq: ah yes
Benjake4: then Mussina
robreedesq: he is gone
robreedesq: this league is good
Benjake4: whendid that happen?
robreedesq: dont know but he is off the list
robreedesq: there goes mussina
robreedesq: now what?
robreedesq: verlander gamble?
robreedesq: nah
robreedesq: we're up
Benjake4: bedard
robreedesq: now or 2B?
Benjake4: now
robreedesq: we just lost willingham too
Benjake4: willingham gone...dead at C
robreedesq: barajas baby
robreedesq: we need power
robreedesq: i think we should pull the plug there now
Benjake4: larue still out there for later
Benjake4: chacin for TOR
robreedesq: more hr from barajas tho... but same avg... what next?
robreedesq: edwin encarnacion gone
Benjake4: byrd?
robreedesq: eek
Benjake4: a. reyes
robreedesq: marquis free agent year, good team
Benjake4: olsen?
robreedesq: another marlin?
robreedesq: hmmm lemme look at his stats again
Benjake4: marguis or Suppan
robreedesq: i say marquis...
Benjake4: OK...what's he good at?
robreedesq: nothing but wins...
robreedesq: just a vibe
robreedesq: as a backup... how about a strong middle relivere like duchscherer or linebrink?
Benjake4: chacin, lilly? harand
Benjake4: Does duchy SO?
robreedesq: yes
Benjake4: Alou gone
Benjake4: Marquis for wins
robreedesq: k
Benjake4: this is the point I start feeling iffy
robreedesq: we needed alou
Benjake4: replaceable
robreedesq: what about delmon young or granderson here, or are we stretching young gambles?
Benjake4: Young is a great pick...also Gathright, at some point
robreedesq: im thinking delmon young is the place to go right now... again power and sbs
Benjake4: vidro at 2B? Kennedy still there?
robreedesq: kennedy is still there
robreedesq: mackowiak still there
Benjake4: C- Hall, Y. Molina, Barajas (still there?), mathis
Benjake4: Mack is not a full-timer
robreedesq: vidro, counsell, grudzielanek, graffaniino, todd walker, aurilia still there
Benjake4: I liked chaxin
Benjake4: shhhh.[PLAYER NAME DELETED]
robreedesq: grudz might be a nice sleeper here... might score a lot with sanders and sweeney in the lineup
robreedesq: you know, i dont think [PLAYER NAME DELETED] is even in the draft list
robreedesq: he still isnt in my other yahoo league
Benjake4: can't be picked?
robreedesq: granderson gone
Benjake4: No prob on Grandy
robreedesq: if he is not there no
robreedesq: we can look for him first day of the season tho
robreedesq: delmon here?
Benjake4: BJ Upton
Benjake4: young is there
robreedesq: both of these guys are...
Benjake4: Kubel is for real.
robreedesq: is he playing?
Benjake4: I'll check
robreedesq: josh barfield at 2B baby
Benjake4: nice...steals?
Benjake4: kennedy is better
Benjake4: right now
robreedesq: i dont know... 20 steals, 15 HRs, .310 in AAA last year for barfield
robreedesq: 500 or so abs
robreedesq: but for experience... yes
robreedesq: what to do here?
Benjake4: kennedy kills everyone in steals, no?
robreedesq: lemme look
robreedesq: womack and then kennedy
robreedesq: but we are loaded with steals
robreedesq: a little power gamble and avg at 2B is probably what we need here
Benjake4: what do we need at 2B, then
Benjake4: kennedy, then?
robreedesq: im thinking barfield is worth the gamble... maybe a lot of HRs will be 2Bs in san diego... but probably better than kennedy unless we are looking for trade bait
robreedesq: kennedy?
Benjake4: barfields a rookie...but goood in spring
robreedesq: with barfield as a later backup?
Benjake4: kennedy
Benjake4: pitching?
robreedesq: im thinking a solid middle relief guy here - linebrink or duch
Benjake4: where are we getting wins?
Benjake4: duchy looks good though
robreedesq: duchy probably better win option - 7 last year
Benjake4: OK
Benjake4: McCann at catcher. Estrada?
Benjake4: Barajas??!!
robreedesq: gives us time to figure out what we will do next... either of those catchers would be nice
robreedesq: but i think we need HRs
robreedesq: and then just look for avg
Benjake4: vidro? ave
robreedesq: he still there?
Benjake4: is he?
robreedesq: yes
robreedesq: we just lost duch
Benjake4: take vidro, no? Is he OK?
Benjake4: Arroyo?
robreedesq: he is healthy - but there is that soriano situation
robreedesq: bronson? eek
robreedesq: bad spring so far
robreedesq: we're up - linebrink?
robreedesq: loduca?
robreedesq: catcher>
robreedesq: barajas?
robreedesq: 45 secs
Benjake4: vidro? I don't know linebring. Your call. Barajas
robreedesq: lets get barajas
Benjake4: OK
robreedesq: nice
Benjake4: ["a word that rhymes with luck!!"] we forgot
robreedesq: there goes delmon
Benjake4: young
robreedesq: yup
Benjake4: garland gone
Benjake4: ?
robreedesq: yup
robreedesq: jaydawg
robreedesq: bj still there i think - he gonna play?
robreedesq: gathright?
Benjake4: harang? SO
Benjake4: penny?
robreedesq: lofton is still out there
robreedesq: dan johnson is still out there - good 1B sleeper
Benjake4: he's OK...BA
robreedesq: craig monroe too
robreedesq: this could be his year to breakout
Benjake4: Lilly or Harang? Tor should win and Lilly was hurt last year
robreedesq: tony clark having a nice spring, notwithstanding conor jackson
Benjake4: wakefield?
robreedesq: wins... chacon is still out there
robreedesq: david dejesus?
Benjake4: Lilly strikes guys out. Sleeper
robreedesq: aaron small (serious injury?)
robreedesq: there goes chacon
Benjake4: no on small. not THAT good
robreedesq: lilly it is
Benjake4: Lilly
robreedesq: mike hampton aint chopped liver
Benjake4: is he healthy?
robreedesq: looking
Benjake4: he's FA pickings
robreedesq: he is chopped liver... 9/05 story: hampton will miss 12006 season
robreedesq: i am a moron
Benjake4: Olsen fo SOs
robreedesq: Ok... Olsen or Lilly? Olsen is a fun pick
robreedesq: we will watch a lot of marlin games :-)
Benjake4: Lilly, then Olsen or Harang
robreedesq: k
robreedesq: you see lillys stats last year?
robreedesq: 5.56 ERA
robreedesq: 1.53 WHIP
Benjake4: up
robreedesq: 126.1 IP, 96 SO
robreedesq: brendan likes him, eh? ;-)
Benjake4: nice SOs...reasonable risk.
robreedesq: k
Benjake4: no. 3 starter for manager Gibbons
robreedesq: k
Benjake4: don't hate me if I'm wrong, but we need help in SP and we should focus on Ks
robreedesq: im with ya
Benjake4: should we tell this group who Bobby is?
robreedesq: with lilly and harang ONE of our second pitchers will breakout
Benjake4: Harang is a risk in that ballpark but I like what I've seen
Benjake4: wakefield gone, vidro
Benjake4: gathright?
Benjake4: rondell white could be an Alou, this year
Benjake4: in Minn.
robreedesq: nice numbers from harang... i agree... who has a better shot at playig upton or gathright?
Benjake4: gathright will be traded, likely
robreedesq: rondell is a good option later
robreedesq: then gathright is probably the best bet...
Benjake4: Lilly first, though?
robreedesq: lilly next... then gathright or another pitcher?
Benjake4: pitcher...Suppan will win A LOT
Benjake4: but he doesn't SO
Benjake4: Lilly
robreedesq: think we can get suppan next round?
Benjake4: Penny gone?
robreedesq: yes
robreedesq: pavano possibility? even tho starting season injured
Benjake4: You want LaRue?
robreedesq: might be worth a flyer pick
Benjake4: Pavana as FA
robreedesq: Larue is a good option when we need AVG
Benjake4: HRs too
Benjake4: what positions need filling?
robreedesq: we are filled... all backups now
Benjake4: two catchers?
robreedesq: only need 1
Benjake4: OK
Benjake4: Dan Johnson
robreedesq: yup... i like that pick
robreedesq: then gathright and suppan
Benjake4: OK
Benjake4: or kubel?
robreedesq: want to play with kotchman?
Benjake4: could be good. Or Johnson
robreedesq: mcpherson has potential power, too
robreedesq: we're up...
robreedesq: johnson?
Benjake4: yes
robreedesq: bam
Benjake4: Lo duca gone?
robreedesq: yes
robreedesq: johnny estrada still there
Benjake4: yes, I like him in that park if his back is healthy
robreedesq: me too
Benjake4: BA, galore
robreedesq: think we should steal him if he lasts
robreedesq: he is the BA we need at that position
robreedesq: larue was .260 i think
robreedesq: estrada has clearly been forgotten here
Benjake4: how many picks left?
robreedesq: 4
Benjake4: what do we need?
robreedesq: estrada, for one
Benjake4: Brendan McCarthy for the White Sox?
robreedesq: you can look at our roster by clicking our team name in the drafted players for team box, if you havent done so
Benjake4: k
robreedesq: mccarthy gonna start? great whip and team... everything else, srta bleh
robreedesq: lost your flavor for suppan?
robreedesq: i would like to go with this:
Benjake4: no, just thinking...I like Kubel...
robreedesq: estrada
robreedesq: suppan
robreedesq: kubel or gathright
Benjake4: barfield?
Benjake4: may start hot
robreedesq: i know
robreedesq: i like him more than kubel
Benjake4: OK
robreedesq: and we need a backup for kennedy
Benjake4: he's next
Benjake4: harang for SOs or Suppan for wins?
Benjake4: Suppan gone
robreedesq: gotta be estrada, I think... barfield might slip through the radar
Benjake4: we need HRs no?
robreedesq: i dont think so... dunn, holliday, hermida, nomar, giles, barajas all decent
Benjake4: Ok
robreedesq: we could trade for HRs by giving up SBs, tho
robreedesq: especially if we can get gathright
Benjake4: gathright...I think he can hit more than others do
robreedesq: im thinking we should go for gathright after estrada... i think barfield will slip under the radar for the next pick
Benjake4: barfield is best, because LaRue is out ther
robreedesq: lol - i have found your bill hall... you are getting an "I have manlove for Larue" tshirt for your birthday
Benjake4: Olsen is seriouis strikeouts
Benjake4: sorry, he's a good backup
Benjake4: mathis?
Benjake4: Ooh, Jay Payton
robreedesq: as you know, i have payton in my other yahoo league, but i still dont feel comfortable... more fun to gamble on gathright and barfield
Benjake4: you're right
robreedesq: we're SP'd out right now, i think
robreedesq: gathright next or barfield?
Benjake4: gathright has more impact. Who's left at 2B?
robreedesq: jason bartlett might be pretty good too
robreedesq: there goes gathright
Benjake4: Barfield
Benjake4: go for it
robreedesq: done
Benjake4: estrada next
robreedesq: k
Benjake4: Ibanez?
Benjake4: there goes White
robreedesq: wow... ibanez is still there?
Benjake4: can't tell, can you?
robreedesq: no he is gone
Benjake4: I'm stupid how can we tell what we have left position wise
robreedesq: estrada gone
Benjake4: larue?
Benjake4: y. molina?
robreedesq: upton?
Benjake4: yes
Benjake4: OK, what do we have left?
robreedesq: backup catcher would be good... i really wanted estrada
robreedesq: we have to get larue
Benjake4: OK
Benjake4: We need pitching or HRs?
robreedesq: this team is at least 10x better than the one I drafted in my other yahoo league
Benjake4: cool
Benjake4: harang
robreedesq: he is gone
Benjake4: when? ["word that rhymes with the last word in te phrase two buck chuck!"]
robreedesq: you check who is available by clicking the position inupper right... if player is gray, he is gone
robreedesq: squanto has him
robreedesq: 11th round
Benjake4: chris young?
robreedesq: how about kubel and then larue as our final two?
Benjake4: Dave roberts would be funny...
Benjake4: he will have a boatload of steals
Benjake4: we don't need pitching?
Benjake4: larue is gone
robreedesq: 4 starters probably good... we can only start 2
Benjake4: toby hall?
Benjake4: good BA
robreedesq: you think kubel would stay for us with our last pick?
Benjake4: it's OK to let him go. other fish in sea. Monroe?
Benjake4: roberts?
robreedesq: i picked monroe to click last year... he turns 28 this year... breakout?
robreedesq: ill dedicate the pick to olde english
robreedesq: monroe is gone
Benjake4: could be. not as sure as you. roberts would assure us a trade
Benjake4: don't you think?
robreedesq: then lets get roberts
Benjake4: what do we need
robreedesq: yes
Benjake4: any other weaknesses?
robreedesq: we can get whatever we feel we need with roberts
Benjake4: and there he goes
robreedesq: there goes roberts
robreedesq: now what
robreedesq: lets get kube;
robreedesq: l
Benjake4: another risk...
robreedesq: good upside...
robreedesq: does he have a startig job?
Benjake4: k
robreedesq: juan rivera?
Benjake4: no
robreedesq: lol
robreedesq: kubel time
Benjake4: k
robreedesq: we stole another one from game four lol
Benjake4: really?
robreedesq: yup
robreedesq: starter?
Benjake4: Y. Molina -- gotta feeling. or a starter
Benjake4: Kenny Rogers gone?
robreedesq: yes
robreedesq: lets go molina
Benjake4: OK
robreedesq: we're done... nice job
Benjake4: thanks. why do I feel nauseous?
robreedesq: lol
robreedesq: 20 team league, remember
Benjake4: my head hurts :-)\
robreedesq: lol me too
robreedesq: my fingers too
robreedesq: the wine helped
Benjake4: Not having played this before, how many players we go with?
robreedesq: not sure
robreedesq: i think it is one util, 2 starters, two relievers, and one of each position
robreedesq: weekly moves
robreedesq: 3 ofs
Benjake4: two starters at one time? You were right about the Santana pick, then.
robreedesq: yup
robreedesq: he'll probably start slow again... so we won't see first place for awhile... but i like this team
Benjake4: I have to say I like Giles
robreedesq: i like hermida in the 11th round... i like nomar... i like holliday... i like barfield... i like dan johnson... our "junkier" picks are good ones
robreedesq: not so with my previous league
Benjake4: answer your cell
Benjake4 signed off at 7:01:40 PM.

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