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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Fantasy Baseball : Reading "Beat the Geek League 2: Trade" Thread

Message #332 of 405  *NEW*
To:  All
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Beat the Geek League 2: Trade
Date:  4/17/08, 5:53pm
I trade C.C. Sabathia to the #1 team, J-Birds for Tim Hudson.

I clicked the approve button as soon as I saw the trade offer.

For me, a no brainer. For J-Birds, wishful thinking... but potentially a great move.

He listened to the podcast, knew that I was done with C.C., and made a good trade offer.

And, regular podcast listeners will find this interesting because I spent most of last year HATING on Tim Hudson.

No Ks from Tim (well, sometimes he does surprise, lately). But, I won't get any 9 ER games, either (at the very least because Bobby Cox just wouldn't let that happen).

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Message #333 of 405  *NEW*
To:  Rob Reed
Subject:  Re: Beat the Geek League 2: Trade
Date:  4/18/08, 9:36am (Last Edited: 4/18/08, 9:42am)
Hey Rob thanks for CC. This is J-Birds, and yes I listen to your podcast and thats why I jumped on it. The only reason why I wanted CC was that a) he can only get better and b) look at Zambrano's April last year and he turned out fine

By the way my name is Jonathon Milian and I am from Miami.

"I am a gamer."

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Message #334 of 405  *NEW*
To:  JoeKool2322
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Re: Beat the Geek League 2: Trade
Date:  4/18/08, 11:11am (Last Edited: 4/18/08, 11:13am)
>Hey Rob thanks for CC. This is J-Birds, and yes I listen to
>your podcast and thats why I jumped on it. The only reason why
>I wanted CC was that a) he can only get better and b) look at
>Zambrano's April last year and he turned out fine

I'm very familiar with Carlos Z's year last year because my former podcast partner had him, and I spent most of the season razzing him because he outbid me for Carlos Z in our auction draft by bidding $30 (I just knew that if I bid $31, he was gonna stick me with Carlos and that was just too much to spend for a starter, I think).

So, Gregg ate it.

Gregg's one saving grace last season, though (he finished tied for third) was a pitcher by the name of Tim Hudson, who tempered Carlos Z's bad stats.

Now to the meat: Carlos was NEVER as bad as C.C. has been these past two outings.

The saving grace is that C.C.'s velocity is up there, and that is the one reason that I am keeping him in my money league (I paid $18 for him -- I paid $8 for him two years ago and have kept him the last two years, with the $5/year increase for keepers).

And, the thing with Z's performance last year is that just when you thought he was coming out, he decided to crush his owners again (look at his August).

I'm a *BIG* Sabathia fan, so I want him to do well. In the Beat the Geeks 2 league, I prefer to cheer for him (or cry for him) while he is pitching for your team.

>By the way my name is Jonathon Milian and I am from Miami.

Pleasure! Looking forward to a fun season of trying to play catch up to you.

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