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Papelbon's success this year is owed largely to his new pitch that he calls 'the slutter'
Rob Reed19190
Papelbon's success this year is owed largely to his new pitch that he calls 'the slutter' by Rob Reed, posted 8/23/07, 11:05am
Following Up on Matt Cain; Is There Cause for Optimism??
Following Up on Matt Cain; Is There Cause for Optimism?? by vegasman2000, posted 8/23/07, 08:03am
From the 'Can of Whoop Ass Opened' File: Rangers beat the hell out of Orioles 30-3 in the first game of a double header
Rob Reed19600
From the 'Can of Whoop Ass Opened' File: Rangers beat the hell out of Orioles 30-3 in the first game of a double header by Rob Reed, posted 8/22/07, 11:34pm
Some Clear Evidence of Cheating??
Some Clear Evidence of Cheating?? by vegasman2000, posted 8/22/07, 11:00pm
A Look at the Best and Worst Announcers in Major League Baseball
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A Look at the Best and Worst Announcers in Major League Baseball by brian.joura, posted 8/22/07, 11:00pm
Taking On Baseball's Recent Developments
Taking On Baseball's Recent Developments by vegasman2000, posted 8/16/07, 09:43am
Offerman (aka '0-4 man') gets arrested for attempting to smack pitcher with his bat after he was hit by a cut fastball to the calf (link goes to sportscenter vid)
Rob Reed19640
Offerman (aka '0-4 man') gets arrested for attempting to smack pitcher with his bat after he was hit by a cut fastball to the calf (link goes to sportscenter vid) by Rob Reed, posted 8/16/07, 08:42am
Phil Rizzuto as a Fantasy Player
Phil Rizzuto as a Fantasy Player by vegasman2000, posted 8/16/07, 08:41am
An example of managing risk in fantasy trading.
An example of managing risk in fantasy trading. by vegasman2000, posted 8/15/07, 1:59pm
An Interesting Fantasy Keeper Question
Re: An Interesting Fantasy Keeper Question by john.reiss, posted 8/9/07, 3:19pm
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