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3081 | | Reedster | 2120 | 0 |
'Given the current roster composition, PECOTA projects that the Angels would be the second-worst offensive team in the league, after the Royals, in 2006.' by Reedster, posted 1/31/06, 01:25am |
3082 | | Jaydawg | 6085 | 3 |
Re: Jeff Weaver is in discussions to sign with Cleveland by johnreiss, posted 1/30/06, 9:59pm |
3083 | | Reedster | 3516 | 1 |
Re: Three things learned at Oakland's 2006 Fanfest by johnreiss, posted 1/30/06, 9:51pm |
3084 | | Reedster | 2091 | 0 |
Piazza came close to signing with the Phillies by Reedster, posted 1/30/06, 9:32pm |
3085 | | Reedster | 3461 | 1 |
Re: We now have a photo of the prostitute Denny Neagle was caught with. She doesn't look like Willie McGee (she looks worse)... by Jaydawg, posted 1/30/06, 7:42pm |
3086 | | Jaydawg | 2181 | 0 |
Roger Clemens Makes Surprise Showing at Astro Minicamp by Jaydawg, posted 1/30/06, 7:25pm |
3087 | | Anonymous | 3743 | 1 |
Re: 'Robinson's daughter wrong on Clemente' by Jaydawg, posted 1/30/06, 7:10pm |
3088 | | Anonymous | 2137 | 0 |
Angels' domain name is for sale by Anonymous, posted 1/30/06, 5:40pm |
3089 | | Reedster | 2134 | 0 |
Ripken, Jr. presents Arod with his second MVP award by Reedster, posted 1/30/06, 11:25am |
3090 | | Anonymous | 2162 | 0 |
Nike is making special shoe for Pedro Martinez, that he intends to wear for the rest of his career by Anonymous, posted 1/30/06, 09:41am |