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Message #1074 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  To all of you Dmitri Young owners, I have two words for you: Tuffy Rhodes
Date:  4/04/05, 2:02pm (Last Edited: 4/4/05, 2:30pm)
Dmitri socks three homeruns in the first game of the season. So did George Bell in 1988, and Karl "Tuffy" Thodes in 1994.

Tuffy hit 5 more the rest of that season.

On the other end of the spectrum, George Bell hit another 21 in 1988.

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Message #1080 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: To all of you Dmitri Young owners, I have two words for you: Tuffy Rhodes
Date:  4/4/05, 7:30pm
Corey Patterson normally serves as Mr. Opening Day. He's had multi-HR games to start out the season for two of the last four seasons. Dmitri is still a pretty decent player to have on your fantasy league team, though I wouldn't take him as a first pick. If he played his home games in a hitters park, his numbers would dramatically improve. George Bell was the first big power hitter to come out of the Dominican. Without him, there probably wouldn't be a Pedro Guerrero or even a Sammy Sosa. As for Tuffy Rhodes, he was never on my radar screen in picking a team.

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Message #1084 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: To all of you Dmitri Young owners, I have two words for you: Tuffy Rhodes
Date:  4/4/05, 10:35pm
I have news for ya! Dmitri Young is going to tear it up this season! He is one of the most underated hitters in baseball. You just don't hear anyone talking about him because he plays for a small market team. Secondly, he doesn't have star or sex appeal because he is not A Rod. I think A Rod is overrated!

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