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Message #5191 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Will Leitch vs. Buzz Bissinger: I knew Will... no idea who this Buzz guy is
Date:  5/08/08, 5:20pm
So, this Buzz guy wrote "Friday Night Lights." I suppose that he writes a regular column for a newspaper.

I hate guys like Buzz.

Buzz' picture should be next to "curmudgeon" in the dictionary.

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Message #5195 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Rob Reed
Moonlight Graham  
Subject:  Re: Will Leitch vs. Buzz Bissinger: I knew Will... no idea who this Buzz guy is
Date:  5/9/08, 9:06am
As i mentioned last week, I was at the taping. Bissinger actually exposed Leitch as a guy who didn't belong in that particular room, as Michael Strahan had done earlier to Chris Russo of WFAN's Mike and the Mad Dog show. This is in no way intended to denigrate blogging or bloggers but Leitch caters to the mindless with little regard for even a small amount of decency. I don't read crap like that on this site. Whether that is indicative of your readership or your own standards doesn't matter. The site is an intelligent read. You are certainly entitled to hate guys like Bissinger but, believe me, on that night, he was right on the mark with Leitch. It is Leitch's right and privilege to design his site in any way he sees fit but must then stand up and take the heat rather than trying to spin it a different way. I almost fell out of my seat when he tried to convince the audience that he posted the Leinart picture to show that Leinart was human. Be who you are. I might not like it but I will respect it.

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Message #5196 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Moonlight Graham
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Re: Will Leitch vs. Buzz Bissinger: I knew Will... no idea who this Buzz guy is
Date:  5/9/08, 1:08pm
>me, on that night, he was right on the mark with Leitch. It is
>Leitch's right and privilege to design his site in any way he
>sees fit but must then stand up and take the heat rather than
>trying to spin it a different way. I almost fell out of my
>seat when he tried to convince the audience that he posted the
>Leinart picture to show that Leinart was human. Be who you
>are. I might not like it but I will respect it.

We agree here.

Leitch should simply say: "Tabloids exist because there is demand, and my site is the National Enquirer of the sports world." I would respect that.

With regards to the content, you and I obviously disagree on that point, but that's what makes the world go round.

What bothers me about Buzz is his hypocrisy.

You can make a claim that Leitch and his ilk are low brow and appealing to the lowest common denominator. BUT, if you are going to argue that your approach is the "high road" (or high brow, if you will), at least have the common decency to express yourself in a "high brow" manner.

He had the filthiest mouth among the whole group, and hurt his case immensely by looking like a pot calling kettle black.

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Message #5197 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Rob Reed
Moonlight Graham  
Subject:  Re: Will Leitch vs. Buzz Bissinger: I knew Will... no idea who this Buzz guy is
Date:  5/9/08, 2:13pm
Excellent point. I think it's a separate point but excellent nonetheless. I did not intend to give the impression that I approved of Bissinger's tone. I simply appreciated that Leitch was not allowed to wriggle off the hook. He was called out for the trash on his site and reacted poorly.

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Message #5212 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Moonlight Graham
Subject:  Re: Will Leitch vs. Buzz Bissinger: I knew Will... no idea who this Buzz guy is
Date:  5/10/08, 2:44pm
Leitch did sound foolish trying to "polish his turd" however, I don't think that Deadspin is completely without merit. A lot of the articles are funny and some of them are tasteless, but they do cover soccer pretty well and they do take to task ESPN quite a bit, and that is a good thing.

The Costas Now segment was really sad though because I had respect for Costas, but not any longer. Bissinger was merely his bull dog. Costas knew exactly what he was getting when he asked Bissinger to be on the panel. Costas let the tirade continue when he should have stopped it. Everyone knows how Costas feels about bloggers, one could guess how Braylon Edwards felt, and the only wild card was Bissinger. And the only one who knew how he felt was Costas. It was a classless move by Costas and personally, I have no respect for the man anymore. The whole segment was a sad example of journalism and Leitch did come off, at least on television, the better man.

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