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Message #5320 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Smoltz to have season ending shoulder surgery
Date:  6/04/08, 09:52am
and his career looks like it is over... he was obviously in the dumos emotionally before his most recent appearance... I think we will hear his retirement announcement shortly...

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Message #5322 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Rob Reed
Subject:  Re: Smoltz to have season ending shoulder surgery
Date:  6/4/08, 11:29am
Thank you Peter Gammons for cursing the Braves by picking them to win the championship. Forecast for the Braves for the rest of the year: Chipper goes down in July because he needs season ending wrist surgery because of a freak play in which he slides head first into third and his wrist is jammed into the bag. Chipper at the time will be batting .395 and on the cusp of batting .400. Teixiera will be traded by the deadline to the Red Sox because A) the Braves cant afford him next year, B) Boston will be serious contenders and need a switch hitter to back up Man-Ram due to Big Papi's injuries, and C) the braves will be out of the race.

And Cub fans say they have it bad, sheesh!!!

"I am a gamer."

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Message #5338 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  JoeKool2322
Subject:  Re: Smoltz to have season ending shoulder surgery
Date:  6/8/08, 7:01am
You know, not to change the subject slightly, but you talk about trades by the trade deadline. I get so upset when the media in particular seems as if they are almost persuading certain teams to make a move before the trade deadline, especially to the big market teams. Maybe that's just the way it is & I should stop whining about it, but it seems to me that the media is actually afraid (that's right, I said AFRAID) that the Rays actually have a shot at competing, atleast this season, for the AL East title. Don't laugh. They are good enough with a little luck. The media's darlings (the Red Sox & Yankees) who's pay rolls both well exceed 200 million dollars already are not battling out for the AL East atleast as of this point in the season & the main stream media can't stand it. They hate the fact that the Rays are the team competing for 1st place because it hurts ESPN's & FOX's television ratings. So what does the media do? They start trade rumors for the big market teams, particularly the Red Sox & Yankees because they want those 2 teams to be at the top of the AL East standings. Call it conspiracy theory or whatever, but I know I'm right. I know the Rays are a small market team & not "sexy" in most people's eyes, but I say the Rays need to throw the media a big shit burger & sign someone like Tiexiera, or Griffey Jr., or Bonds by the trade deadline, even if it just for the remainder of this season. Why not? Why not the Rays? Is there something wrong with that? Are the Rays not allowed to be good & compete?

I'll call the media, ESPN, & FOX, a big ole' waaaaaaaaambulance because the little guy is so far screwing up the media's Red Sox & Yankees love affair & screwing up ESPN & FOX's television ratings because for once, it is the little guy, the team that always gets picked on, the Rays who are screwing up the media hype over the Red Sox & Yankees & I say good for the Rays & I say it is good for baseball. Go RAYS!

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