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Message #5774 of 6634  *NEW*
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Subject:  Joe Torre rips A-Rod and Yankee GM Brian Cashman in a new book called 'The Yankee Years'
Date:  1/25/09, 12:04pm
This explains why Torre wasn't pushing the Dodgers to sign A-Rod (aka- A-Fraud to his teammates, according to Torre) last year.

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Message #5777 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Joe Torre rips A-Rod and Yankee GM Brian Cashman in a new book called 'The Yankee Years'
Date:  1/26/09, 8:59am
I can't decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing being athe Yankee hater that I am. On one hand, I do think A-Rod(or A-Fraud) is a bit of a pre madonna & a pretty boy. I never liked him even when he wasn't a Yankee. And, I for one still say that until A-Rod does anything meaningful in the playoffs, he is very overhyped & overated. On the other hand, this may actually piss A-Rod off & he may go into this season on a mission, & my Tampa Bay Rays already have the deck stacked against them enough given the Yankees & Red Sox financial power & talent. I don't know hwether to praise & thank Joe Torre or curse him just for giving A-Rod & the Evil Yankees more motivation. I do think that the media often times inflates a player into a superstar & if the player ends up to be a bust, you have to blame the media atleast to some degree.

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Message #5782 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  drrubb
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Re: Joe Torre rips A-Rod and Yankee GM Brian Cashman in a new book called 'The Yankee Years'
Date:  1/26/09, 9:12am
Have to disagree, Doc... coming from, at least, a fantasy perspective... the guy has been one of the best fantasy players for the last ten years... can't argue with results.

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Message #5786 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Rob Reed
Subject:  Re: Joe Torre rips A-Rod and Yankee GM Brian Cashman in a new book called 'The Yankee Years'
Date:  1/26/09, 9:33am
I should have clarified better Rob. I agree, you can't argue with his fantasy production. He is by far one of the best when it comes to fantasy baseball & statistics. However, I was really referring to the actual game(not regarding his fantasy stature). My point was, until he proves his worth under pressure in a playoff situation, I still say he is overated. Is he a hall of famer? No doubt about it. His statistics alone will make him one of the best players ever. I know he will also eventually break the home run record provided he stays healthy & statistically productive. I just think the media overhypes him given his past in choking under pressure, also considering how much money he makes.

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