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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Fantasy Baseball : Reading "Hemming and Hawing" Thread

Message #13 of 405  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Hemming and Hawing
Date:  4/3/05, 4:14pm
Here is why loving fantasy baseball makes you a geek.

I'm getting more excited here, watching the pregame for tonight;s Yankees-Red Sox game, but I'm stuck in another quandry.

I have Jason Giambi on my farm team.

Do I bring him up (to replace Erubiel Durazo, Melvin Mora, or Derek Lee). Mora had a negative MRI and -- from what I have read -- it appears he will be starting.

I just can't pull the plug on Durazo and bring Giambi up... I just KNOW Giambi is gonna hit three HRs today.

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Message #14 of 405  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Hemming and Hawing
Date:  4/5/05, 12:51pm
Hind sight is always 20/0 but lee would have been a good pick going 4/6 with a homer and 5 rbis lol

just a nudge in the ribs on that one buddy :-)

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