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Odalis Perez says the Dodgers have treated him like trash
Re: Odalis Perez says the Dodgers have treated him like trash by drrubb, posted 7/15/06, 12:33pm
The Mets are now in the race with the Yankees and Red Sox in trying to acquire Bobby Abreu by the July 31st deadline
Re: The Mets are now in the race with the Yankees and Red Sox in trying to acquire Bobby Abreu by the July 31st deadline by drrubb, posted 7/15/06, 12:08pm
Ozzie Guillen wants to take part in the festivities for the Gay Games and wants to shake hands with its ambassador Billy Bean, one of two former MLB players to come out of the closet
Re: Ozzie Guillen wants to take part in the festivities for the Gay Games and wants to shake hands with its ambassador Billy Bean, one of two former MLB players to come out of the closet by Jaydawg, posted 7/15/06, 10:26am
Yanks end Contreras' 17 game win streak, defeating the Chisox
Yanks end Contreras' 17 game win streak, defeating the Chisox by Reedster, posted 7/15/06, 08:37am
Nats acquire Austin Kearns, Felipe Lopez, and Ryan Wagner from the Reds for Gary Majewski, Bill Bray, Daryl Thompson, Brendan Harris, and Royce Clayton
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Re: Nats acquire Austin Kearns, Felipe Lopez, and Ryan Wagner from the Reds for Gary Majewski, Bill Bray, Daryl Thompson, Brendan Harris, and Royce Clayton by sambruin98, posted 7/14/06, 2:22pm
Tigers pick Miller named top NCAA arm - UNC lefty honored by Roger Clemens Award
The Olde English Ds22640
Tigers pick Miller named top NCAA arm - UNC lefty honored by Roger Clemens Award by The Olde English Ds, posted 7/14/06, 1:54pm
Jose Canseco gave up some more names of steroid users he witnessed to George Mitchell's investigators and included a few front-office people who knew about it
Jose Canseco gave up some more names of steroid users he witnessed to George Mitchell's investigators and included a few front-office people who knew about it by Jaydawg, posted 7/13/06, 9:44pm
Bonds' former friend and business partner, Steve Hoskins, says Ba-Bo flew into 'roid rages'
Bonds' former friend and business partner, Steve Hoskins, says Ba-Bo flew into 'roid rages' by Jaydawg, posted 7/13/06, 9:37pm
Likely Two Start Favorable Park Pitchers for Week 16
Likely Two Start Favorable Park Pitchers for Week 16 by Anonymous, posted 7/13/06, 11:14am
Astros get Aubrey Huff from the Drays for two minor league prospects
Astros get Aubrey Huff from the Drays for two minor league prospects by Anonymous, posted 7/12/06, 3:08pm
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